Teenage son won't leave the house

sakhair78 Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
edited December 2018 in Autism and neurodiversity
My son has been diagnosed with aspergers.  He is 14.  I can't get him to leave the house or go to school.  I also can't get him to do his online classes because he refuses.  Says he has no motivation.  I am at my whits end trying to help him.  The doctors just keep throwing pills at him that take months to work if they work at all.  He need immediate help.  Please advise.


  • JennysDad
    JennysDad Online Community Member Posts: 2,290 Championing
    Hello @sakhair78 and a warm welcome to the community. Good to have you with us.
    I have worked in education with children from across the autistic spectrum and can understand how very tough this situation is for you. I am interested that he has at least the option of on-line study - I never encountered anything like that before I left in 2015. If you'd like to chat, I'm perfectly happy to listen.
    In the meanwhile I am going to tag our ASD advisor @Jack_W here and I am sure he will get back to you as soon as possible.
    You might also like to have a look in the Autism Spectrum disorders thread here
    Hope some of this proves to be of help. Warmest best wishes to you,
    @JennysDad .
  • uniquejourney
    uniquejourney Online Community Member Posts: 14 Connected
    hi i'm a young person with aspergers,
    i would say that, suggest to him that he contacts people like him online as that may be the first step in being able to face interaction outside the home. 
    i would also suggest get a ASD friendly and supportive team around you to help you and your son.
    i would say just find something that he likes and work on doing something first before it has to do anything. 
    and remember we have to do everything in our own time. our time line is often very different from our peers.
    i would say the first stage is distraction
    then its gaining back the ability to think and concentrate.
    then its doing something productive
    then doing something that you need to do
    then getting into the NT world (the hardest step)
    just break everything down into small steps.
    also tell him not to give up, because although i cannot promise it will get easier i can promise you will learn loads and can use it for good.
    his mental health matters more than school work
    hope this helps
    An Aspie teen
  • Sam_Alumni
    Sam_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,602 Championing
    Hi @sakhair78
    Have you been in touch with the National Autistic Society? They have lots of support and information that may help.