Hi, just joined this site although i've been here before, Just had my PIP appeal but got adjourned

kev8792 Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
I had my pip appeal last Friday 7th Dec 18, I handed a letter in from my Daughter when I got to the court (she's also my registered carer) and then when I went into the hearing the 3 judge people introduced their selves then the man in the middle said because the letter I handed in was so long (6x A4 sheets ) they are going to adjourn and I had to sign something to let them get my GP medical records for 2016 to 2018, I don't know if this is a good or bad thing, I suffer from mental health, Depression chronic anxiety, and agoraphobia, 


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 62,451 Championing

    It's not a good or bad thing. Had you sent that letter to them before the say of the hearing then it may not have been adjourned. There's nothing you can do until you receive a new hearing date, hopefully not too long.
  • Pippa_Alumni
    Pippa_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,761 Championing
    Hi @kev8792, and a warm welcome to the community!

    I hope the above guidance is helpful. Fingers crossed things move forwards for you soon!
  • kev8792
    kev8792 Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
    Hi and thanks for the replies, 
    I'm a big-time worrier always over-thinking things, and when they said they want the last 2 years of my medical records I got even more worried mainly because I have not seen a Doctor for over a year. 
    Last November I was seen by a psychiatrist who then sent me to another  psychiatrist who changed my medication to 2 different antidepressants (Mitazapam and sertraline)  a day and referred me for long-term mental health treatment, I received a letter from mantel health telling me I am on their waiting list, 28th November 2017
    I am still on that same waiting list over a year later Hence why I've not seen a Doctor in over a year.

    I really wanted last Friday (the appeal) to be the end of this nightmare win or lose sick of waking up every morning and the appeal is the first thing on my mind.

    I just hope now that 
    1, the appeal board will take into account that I hate going to the Doctors mainly because of my Agoraphobia.
    2, that I did all I could and am now just sat on a waiting list and have been for over a year.

    I hate my new Doctors, we had to move as our old Doctors surgery closed down in August 2017, this new Doctor surgery doesn't even call me in for a six-month review of medication.

    sorry for rambling on 

  • kev8792
    kev8792 Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
    Hi, just an update, got my next appeal date 10 days ago for tomorrow 10/4/19, just had a phone call from a nice young lady from DWP making me an offer that I have accepted, they don't want to give me the daily living but have decided on the evidence that they now have that I will now be getting the High rate Mobility allowance.  In my mental state I'm not positive if accepting the offer was the right thing to do or not but the young lady on the phone did say IF I still want to go to the tribunal and I lose then I will get nothing, accepting their offer today will get me 15 months of back payment totaling around £3672 and I will now be on PIP for a least the next 2 years before they review me again. I "think" this is a pretty good result (maybe I'm wrong)  I find it hard dealing with (processing in my head) stuff like this, 
  • twonker
    twonker Posts: 617 Empowering
    edited April 2019
    kev8792 said:
    Hi, just an update, got my next appeal date 10 days ago for tomorrow 10/4/19, just had a phone call from a nice young lady from DWP making me an offer that I have accepted, they don't want to give me the daily living but have decided on the evidence that they now have that I will now be getting the High rate Mobility allowance.  In my mental state I'm not positive if accepting the offer was the right thing to do or not but the young lady on the phone did say IF I still want to go to the tribunal and I lose then I will get nothing, accepting their offer today will get me 15 months of back payment totaling around £3672 and I will now be on PIP for a least the next 2 years before they review me again. I "think" this is a pretty good result (maybe I'm wrong)  I find it hard dealing with (processing in my head) stuff like this, 
    What a load of rubbish they have told you. 
    Accepting the offer if fine, now should continue with your appeal if you feel that you are entitled to the Care element. As for telling you that if you carry on with the appeal you will lose everything is so wrong.

    Even if that was the case, the Judge would tell you that your current award is at risk if you continue with the appeal and would give you the opportunity to walk away with what you already have.

    You will lose nothing but possibly gain more if you continue with your appeal.