universal credit

kojak7 Online Community Member Posts: 11 Connected
Can anyone tell me any info of this benifet 
my brother has waited since 20th of October for a PIP claim and yesterday found out he got the enhanced rate which was good news 
i rang up ESA to find out what’s going to happen when my brother switches over to universal credit and they said everyone wil eventually get a letter 
but I know people in my village that’s on universal credit just now 
when moved on to UC does this affect his PIP or ESA or both it’s all confusing to me and he doesn’t understand any of it 
any help would be appreciated here 


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing

    Managed migration doesn't start until late next year, much later than that for a lot of people, unless he has a change of circumstances in the meantime then he won't move across until he receives that letter. Absolutely nothing to worry about yet.

    PIP isn't part of UC. UC replaces Income related ESA/JSA, tax credits, Income support and housing benefit. When he does move across if he claims Income related ESA then this will stop and it will become UC.