Second month not paid

galowo Online Community Member Posts: 54 Connected
edited December 2018 in Universal Credit (UC)
I’ve had to ring and prompt uc to pay me twice now, November and Decembers payment wasn’t there on due date. 

No reason given once again. 

Now not paid me my lrcwa and it’s the fourth month. 

Apparently they are busy? 

If I’m entitled to it shouldn’t I get it? I’m so angry. 


  • clarkjohnson
    clarkjohnson Online Community Member Posts: 210 Empowering
    Hello friend totally understand your feelings a lot of people on uc are expressing your emotions . Food banks what have we come to in our great country tc all the best 
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 273 Empowering
    Hi @galowo

    I would be angry too.

    You could write a request in your journal, asking the reason why you weren't paid without a reminder. 

    If that makes no difference, you could approach you MP and ask them to intervene to get the administration of your benefit improved. The MPs need to know that the new system is causing such significant problems. to their constituents - they are the ones who can vote for improvements. 

    I hope this helps a bit. 

    Best wishes


  • clarkjohnson
    clarkjohnson Online Community Member Posts: 210 Empowering
    Hello Gill hope your ok I don't think this uc rollover is helping people do you no one seems to be comfortable with it X