Online dating



  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,742 Online Community Programme Lead
    I'm sorry to read you've not had much luck on dating sites @gaz1960, but please don't be discouraged!

    Are you looking into any other ways of meeting people? I agree with @April2018mom that activity and hobby groups are a great way too. 
  • gaz1960
    gaz1960 Online Community Member Posts: 292 Empowering
    Don’t give up on love. Be careful with dating apps and sites as people do lie online. A better way to make new friends is to attend activity classes for disabled people where you can make friends.
    What’s available in your area? 

    I'm sorry to read you've not had much luck on dating sites @gaz1960, but please don't be discouraged!

    Are you looking into any other ways of meeting people? I agree with @April2018mom that activity and hobby groups are a great way too. 


    Just to clarify the situation! 

    According to the works physiotherapist,this week,and the Consultant at the Hospital,on Friday last,I'm still classed as "Able bodied"! 
    In full time employment. 5 days a week. 

    Personally,I'd say I'm totally knackered and ready for the knackers yard ! Lol. :)

    Already booked a room with a view! Lol. :)

    Any and all activities for the over fifties in the local area are ,..... walking,(daytime),hiking(daytime),badminton,(daytime and evening,but after a full days work,who has the energy?!!!),And being in full time employment,that's a non starter,plus with me falling to bits,it's a no,no. Badminton I did as a teenger,a few nights a week,but I'm not a teenger any more! :) Lol.:)

    Local cinema group for the over fifties? Daytimes! 

    Local swimming group for the over fifties,.... Wednesday daytime! Lol.

    Meetup. Much the same, daytimes!

    And physical activities! Lol :) . Must be a  lot of over fifties who had good jobs sitting behind a desk and had enough energy at the end of the day to do these things! Lol. And retire early enough to do these things! Lol. :)

    Help groups,arthritis or heart problems? 20 miles away! Lol. :)

    Work wise,a predominantly Male environment! So no chance of meeting anyone in that environment! 

    Live on the outskirts of a small village, everybody keeps themselves to themselves,been here two years,only spoken to the next door neighbours and the landlord and  landlady of the local pub! (Food is excellent there,fresh produce from the local farm)! :) Real pub grub! :)

  • April2018mom
    April2018mom Posts: 2,863 Championing
    I know that this is not really what you want to hear but what about a walking club? is a good place to start looking. Walking is a gentle way of getting some exercise. Have you ever heard of Yours Magazine? Lots of old people advertise for their soulmate that way. 

  • gaz1960
    gaz1960 Online Community Member Posts: 292 Empowering
    Old  people !!!!!
  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,742 Online Community Programme Lead
    I'm sure @April2018mom was using 'old' when she meant 'mature and sophisticated'! :wink:

    Some libraries have social events and clubs at weekends which might be an option. Have you tried looking on Facebook? There might be people interested in setting up groups to do things at times that are more convenient for you. Forums for your hobbies might prove useful for finding folks with similar interests too.

    I'm going to tag in Gill our @PSHEexpert who may have some other advice.
  • Roddy
    Roddy Online Community Member Posts: 445 Trailblazing
    gaz1960 said:
    Old  people !!!!!
    Hey! @gaz1960, they say that "AGE IS IN THE EYES OF THE BEHOLDER" lol
    A.Scope's idea is a good one, as you may be surprised to find a community/group in your local area (or close to it.)  My own experience of these so-called 'Dating Sites' is that they're a waste of time and also a waste of money... Some of them are much the same as 'chat lines' and the 'single person' of your dreams or your ideal match, is some well rehearsed person, earning cash from, the many that he or she is an ideal match for... Not even the law of averages would suggest that the ideal person that you seek is within your area on one of these Dating Agency's. Surely, the chances must be one in a million! 
  • gaz1960
    gaz1960 Online Community Member Posts: 292 Empowering
    Perhaps i should have posted ........"Old people,.......omg,  Lol :)

    I didn't take offence Adrian,..:)  It was more of a,.......suprise!!  :)

    Thanks for the "mature and sophisticated " though. :)

     I don't use Facebook  or any of those type of online media. Already on numerous  forums,have been for years. Got penpals from those across the World,we message every day. 

    Thanks for the  "AGE IS IN THE EYES OF THE BEHOLDER" Roddy. :)

    No community groups in the area. All 20 miles away. 

    I tried that link April,just out of curiousity, no local rambling groups,apart from,as usual,daytimes!

  • Waylay
    Waylay Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 965 Trailblazing
    I use OKCupid. The basic stuff is free, and you can write a long profile. I described myself, where I am in life, etc., and was very honest about my disabilities. I had a fair number of "Sex tonite?!", "You hot", etc., but also texted with some very interesting people. My first date wasn't very good - he was pushy - but my second date was fantastic! He already knew about my disabilities, so he didn't get scared and run off. We've been together for 2 years now.
  • PSHEexpert
    PSHEexpert Online Community Member Posts: 170 Empowering
    Good morning!  I have just read through all the thread and loads of what I was going to suggest has been suggested - Meetup is always what I go back to because of the diversity of interests etc (and because I try to recommend things I know about, and I use Meetup quite a bit).  I was thinking about why I've found it useful and had another look at the groups I've subscribed to in my area - the only difference I can see is that I haven't gone for any age specific ones.  Book groups and social meet-ups basically and they're just general adults (I'm in my 40s).  Perhaps looking for groups specifically for the "mature and sophisticated" ;) means you have to rely on others putting themselves into that category?   The other thing I suppose is...what about an evening class?  Again, trying to think about the sorts of people that I've met over the years and they've been all ages (and am still happily in touch with/mates with quite a few of them - wasn't looking for anything romantic because I was with someone, but I wouldn't rule that out as a possibility).  The only other thing you could try...and I suggest this with trepidation as I know it can provoke an "ARGH NO!!" response is...what about a speed dating evening? Go with a friend so it's not quite so intense.  It's actually quite a good laugh.  You only really need a sense of humour, the ability to make light smalltalk, and possibly a stiff drink ;) 

  • gaz1960
    gaz1960 Online Community Member Posts: 292 Empowering
    Hhhhmmmmmm....I'm guessing that's aimed at me,PSHExpert.

    Meet up is,although advertised as "age based" ,and mostly as usual, daytime activity, or physical activity, apart from the "board games playing " section and pub quiz nights",is a physical activity site! 

    Any and all activities in the local area are,or should be classed as ,"over 60s",and retired pen pushers! 
    Only pen pushers have enough energy at the end of the day to do anything! 
    Manual workers are knackered after a full 8 hour day and unable/and/or too knackered  to go to "night classes"!

    I come under that classification! 

    "Night classes"?

    Yoga,pilatates, family history, book keeping,flower arrangements?

    Especially if they have arthritis and heart issues! 

    All ready on many forums,aged from 18 to whatever  ! So "age related " ?

    Most of my online penpals are aged from 18 to 58. All across the World! 

    Speed dating? 

    I live in a remote village. 

    Even if I didnt, I wouldn't use anything like  that! 

    Go with a friend? 

    Since the divorce,that's a mute option! 

    Some of us are old fashioned!

    Yeah,there's that "age" thing again! 

    Does seem to be can age related  age gap on here?

    Book groups? 

    Local on Meet up? 

    If your 60plus!:

    I read a lot! 

    Local Meet up meets once a month. 

    Mostly Women. 

    The "group "vote on which books to read! 

    Hhhmmm. .......guess which gender get a the deciding vote on which books the group will read? And having checked online of the books  history of the books they read,.......yup,it's soppy love stories every time! 

    But I'm still smiling .........inside! :)

  • gaz1960
    gaz1960 Online Community Member Posts: 292 Empowering
    Bit of an update! :)

    Really, really, not looking at being negative! Looking as positive as possible! :)

    Meetup website!  There is a Meetup group in the nearest Town. 

    142 members, according to the website! 

    Most that have ever attended any of the activities over the past two years,........6 (six)!

    Average of how many attended each activity over the past two years,.......3(three)!

    Book club,run by Meetup........once a month! Nearest Town.

    Activities seem to consist of pub quiz (at a pub 18 miles away), or badminton , again,miles away! Or curry nights,at reasturants miles away,and I don't eat curry! Yuk. :/

    Rambling: local! Yes,next village across! Daytime. :/

    Apparently,we have a mobile library van that comes to the village? Never seen it myself! Daytime! :/

    Over 50s cinema club at the nearest Town? Daytime. :/

    Looked at,or joined all these!

    www.the (daytime) :/


    If any of these are any use to anyone on here,take a look! Happy hunting! :)

  • gaz1960
    gaz1960 Online Community Member Posts: 292 Empowering
    Hhhmmm.....must be almost bank holiday time!
    Holiday times are the ONLY times when anyone looks at my profiles on dating sites! 

    Look at my profile?........but no messages!

    Too Old?
    Too ugly?
    Too ........? Whatever?

    Nobody within accepted radius of where I live?

    Nobody who smokes,has tattoos or piercings? That's  a problem!

    Disabled ?Not a problem.

    Tamworth and surrounding area? Lol. :) 

  • gaz1960
    gaz1960 Online Community Member Posts: 292 Empowering
    Well,as usual,the only messages on either freedating site or completelyfreedating site,are scammers! And always with the same message! Hi handsome, with me on .....................and half my if! 
  • Roddy
    Roddy Online Community Member Posts: 445 Trailblazing
    gaz1960 said:
    Well,as usual,the only messages on either freedating site or completelyfreedating site,are scammers! And always with the same message! Hi handsome, with me on .....................and half my if! 
    Ever since I joined one dating site, I receive up to 20 emails per day with more or less the same as above. I've tried cancelling the membership but I get nowhere and it only encourages more fictional 'singles' to try their luck. I'm sick of it. Never again.
  • April2018mom
    April2018mom Posts: 2,863 Championing
    Roddy said:
    gaz1960 said:
    Well,as usual,the only messages on either freedating site or completelyfreedating site,are scammers! And always with the same message! Hi handsome, with me on .....................and half my if! 
    Ever since I joined one dating site, I receive up to 20 emails per day with more or less the same as above. I've tried cancelling the membership but I get nowhere and it only encourages more fictional 'singles' to try their luck. I'm sick of it. Never again.
    This is why I prefer to meet people in person. 
  • gaz1960
    gaz1960 Online Community Member Posts: 292 Empowering
    Me too! But nobody wants to meet in person! :/

  • gaz1960
    gaz1960 Online Community Member Posts: 292 Empowering
    Must be an age or location thing ! 
  • gaz1960
    gaz1960 Online Community Member Posts: 292 Empowering
    167 miles away! Get real! And just being curious as to what I posted on the forum about dating and distance? Yeah right!!! 
    Rant over! 

  • Roddy
    Roddy Online Community Member Posts: 445 Trailblazing
    gaz1960 said:
    167 miles away! Get real! And just being curious as to what I posted on the forum about dating and distance? Yeah right!!! 
    Rant over! 

    Many of these so-called 'single ladies' are Trolls. They work from site to site and some are paid by the owners to 'recruit' new members and/or keep up their interest. One only gets to 'read' about 'successful liaisons' which are probably in truth as fake as anything else on the sites. Most of the ones which charge fees are no better, and it's such a shame. That's why folks like me and you have suggested a dating facility on SCOPE but again I can understand why it wouldn't and couldn't be allowed. If I had the time and the know how I would consider running my own Dating site, but as with like all them, it would only ever be as good as its worse member, and sadly it would become like the others, riddled with fakes and liars and people with no desire at all to actually meet anybody. 
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