


  • trib21
    trib21 Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener
    I do hope you can get it sorted it’s def very stressful .
  • Tardis
    Tardis Online Community Member Posts: 214 Empowering
    Yadnad, I am trying to help (although &^%$ knows why).  I know that site requires people to be genuine WROs.  That is exactly why that person could be useful to you!   They state on there who they are employed by.  Google them?   Ask around?  You are a town councillor, no?  So you must be in touch with people who would know of local WROs?
  • Tardis
    Tardis Online Community Member Posts: 214 Empowering
    Actually, @yadnad, I will leave it there.  I thought you wanted a local rep.  Obviously not.
  • justg72
    justg72 Online Community Member Posts: 173 Empowering
    Hi Yadnad
    I have only just managed to get the help that I needed. The MR I wrote and my PIP forms I had completed myself and the letters to  DWP and the Independent Case Examiner (I.C.E.) including letters to my MP and letters of complaint. I am new to the benefits system and I have had to learn the hard way do my own research and ask questions. I have lost out on many benefits because I was not told what I could claim. I have found it hard claiming benefits and have really struggled with the system. I have only recently found the support I really need and that was by accident. I now can breath a sigh of relief. When I wrote my MR I didn't know where to start and it resorted to tears and seizures. Its a shame you didn't live in my area West Yorkshire as I would be able to point you in the right direction and give you the contact details for the support you really need. I think its really unfair not been able to access support with the benefit system and the frustration, upset and ill health it causes people. I really feel for the disabled who are unable to fight the system, I wish that I could help more as I hate witnessing injustice with vulnerable disabled people.I will let you know how I get on.
    Take care 
  • justg72
    justg72 Online Community Member Posts: 173 Empowering
    hi Rikki1040
    Thanks for the advice about tribunals. I will let you know how I get on which will be a while because of the waiting times.
    Take care
  • Yadnad
    Yadnad Posts: 2,847 Championing
    edited November 2022
    Tardis said:
    Yadnad, I am trying to help (although &^%$ knows why).  I know that site requires people to be genuine WROs.  That is exactly why that person could be useful to you!   They state on there who they are employed by.  Google them?   Ask around?  You are a town councillor, no?  So you must be in touch with people who would know of local WROs?
    OK I'll accept that your motives are genuine..

    I have been on to the Rightsnet website and found the guy you are mentioning. According to his/her profile people can send a message but only if they are registered members of that site - it is a closed forum for the reasons I have already explained (I found all of this out when trying to search for Mike [removed by moderator] months ago to ask for help)
     So that is a dead end.

    I have searched Google and my local directory for 'oldestrocker - forensic accountants' in the Canterbury area of Kent.

    Google only came up with three postings on rightsnet and no accountant of that name.
     I also checked the Canterbury area telephone directory which also came up with a blank for the name.

    Oldestrocker must be a pen name so there is little chance of asking if anybody knows of someone of that name.

    After the New Year I will ask around the accountants offices if they know of someone who deals with benefits. I can't see that will produce an answer either.

    Which then leaves me trying to find a local Welfare Rights Officer who may or may not work alone and who may or may not be linked to any charitable agencies bar the ones I already am aware of. or maybe they are self employed having lost their jobs with an agency or the Council.

    I'll report at the end of next week what I find out.

    And as for being a Councillor, I am not allowed under the Standards Commission/Committee to seek out information from official sources for my own benefit.- I can access it for the benefit of a resident but not to further my own benefit.
  • ricky1040
    ricky1040 Online Community Member Posts: 177 Empowering
    Yadnad. Just read ur reply from before and it does seem like u have issues that need adressed. I wonder what happened that the gp had you sectioned. I know it must have been very upsetting. But im sure their intention wasnt to hurt u. The world can be scary and seem like everyone is against u but its not. U need help with whats going on in ur head. Um and to everyone. I think given this situation maybe try and find the heart to give him a byball a little more jo matter the frustration. I wish u well man. I hope u get help u need. 
  • Yadnad
    Yadnad Posts: 2,847 Championing
    edited December 2018
    It was surreal. I went in to see him in a right state. I was frightened of losing control and could well have been a danger to anyone around me. He was quite understanding and explained that I needed to go to hospital. I was then 'bundled' into a taxi and arrived at the hospital. We went in through a different door to the normal one I always used only to find myself being handed over to a nurse. 
    \it was at that stage that I realised where I was and boy did I react. Drugs were administered forcibly and I was put in a bed in a single room. I don't remember much after that except in the morning I wanted to go for a cigarette but was told that it was not possible - I was locked in.
    Not having any control over my life was damn frightening.

    Since then if any suggestion of going back into hospital arises I do a runner, honestly.

    Totally off the subject but to highlight my fear of hospital - I was flown into hospital years ago from where the O2 now stands following an armed robbery where I was shot in attempting to stop the robbery and received a crack from an aluminium baseball bat to the back of my head causing a fracture. 
    I was stripped naked in A&E (a damn good and expensive suit cut to ribbons), surrounded by all manner of individuals including an armed police officer. Eventually everything calmed down and before they could get me further into the system and a CT scan, I did a runner wearing a backless hospital gown, a pair of jogging pants 5 sizes too big and slippers that I 'acquired' from another patient.

    Thankfully a friend of mine had his car there and off we went back to my home 90 miles away.
  • ricky1040
    ricky1040 Online Community Member Posts: 177 Empowering
    Well man i hope u get the help u need. Good luck.