PIP appeal

panface Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
Hi everyone I am new to this group.
I have recently had my PIP cancelled and I am now waiting for a tribunal date. I have received all the paperwork from the Benefits agency stating why they have refused my claim, even though I have had it for 3 years. There are lots of discrepancies in the report which I need to address. On the paperwork it states to phone the benefit agency if I have anything to add. Do I do this or can I write to them ? Thank you


  • Angelfire
    Angelfire Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener
    Best advice I could give, put it onto paper, make two copies, one for your records and one for the Benefit agency.
  • panface
    panface Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
    Thank you
  • vollante
    vollante Online Community Member Posts: 29 Connected
    I wrote the appeal letter to tribunal on behalf of my daughter after she got 0 points at assessment and on the MR. I made 2 paper copies and in addition kept one on my computer and another on a portable hard drive, Previously she had 19 points for daily living and 14points on mobility I gave an in depth explanation on each descriptor where necessary how my daughters daily activities impact on her and pointed out the discrepancies on the report from the HCP. I put every detail, even minor ones in every descriptor that was relevant to the claim. It was time consuming and I found it difficult with some descriptors but I managed it.  I signed the letter stating it was on behalf of my daughter and my relationship to her (mother). She won the appeal and all her previous points reinstated. The footnote on the decision letter read as follows: The panel were appalled at the decision of the DWP to remove the award for this appellant, She has life long conditions that affect both her physical and mental health. She fits into the category of people who we believe should not be reassessed. Good luck and seek help and advice if you get stuck, don't give up.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,045 Championing
    @panface you don't write to DWP at this point. As you've requested the Tribunal then anything anything extra you send needs to be sent to HMCTS and not to DWP. I'd advise getting some face to face advice from either welfare rights or a law centre near you.
  • panface
    panface Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
    Thank you all so much