National insurance contributions

Paddock59 Community member Posts: 26 Connected
18 months ago I was involved in a road traffic accident at the time I was on contributions based esa. I was awarded loss of earnings and damages due to the injuries sustained. The dwp were also paid back the benifit they paid me over my 12 month period of  entilement from my national insurance contributions. There for in the real world I haven't received my 12 month national insurance contribution from the government contributions I have paid this period was paid by a third party. Just asking if anyone could advise if I should recive a payment from the government as I have paid my contributions to them and in fact I haven't received 12 months was from them.


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,054 Championing

    Compensation awards that have loss of earnings element  in with them will affect Contributions based benefits and DWP will claim back what they paid you. Your solicitor at the time should have given you all the correct details regarding this.
  • Paddock59
    Paddock59 Community member Posts: 26 Connected
    My solicitor at the time didn't. I was only awarded 3 months lose of earnings but they revived the hole 12 months in rebate to dwp.