GP’s support She

sheZZa Online Community Member Posts: 259 Empowering
I suffer with Chronic Pain, Bi Polar, Fibromyalgia, CFS, IBS, TVTO erosion and a Cerebral Spinal Fluid Leak. 
I am having a really tough time with very low mood at the moment. I filled in my PIP review form last week with help from a lady from the DWP. As I commented last week, I signed the form without reading it and her reading it back to me and so I don’t know what it contains. This has caused me unimaginable stress and I’ve beaten myself up continuously for being so stupid. I have phoned to request a copy and was told to phone back in two weeks as by then they should have received it. My GP has always been very supportive and I saw her today and had the biggest meltdown ever. Whilst there I mentioned the pip review form and she said that I did not have the mental capacity to sign the form and the meeting should not have happened.  She said that she hadn’t received anything from them yet regarding me. She added that for some of her patients she struggles to fill the forms in from the DWP and when/if she receives the form for me she would have no problem in completing it as she is very aware of my illnesses and disabilities.
I feel so much better mentally for seeing her. She had referred me back to mental health services in October and a few weeks later I went for an assessment but I’ve heard nothing since so she is going to write to them to request an urgent appointment. I’m not to have any surgery until my mental health is more stable and she has referred me to one of my consultant for some nerve block injections in the hope that I won’t need to start taking oramorph. I feel much calmer this evening thanks to her. 


  • wilko
    wilko Online Community Member Posts: 2,438 Championing
    Having all the medical information and confirmation of diagnosis dose not let the DWP know how your conditions impacts  on your daily life in regards to how you manage the PIP descriptors repeatedly, safely and in a timely manner. These are the things that claimants have to focus on to convince the acessor at your F2F acessment if you are to get an award.
  • sheZZa
    sheZZa Online Community Member Posts: 259 Empowering
    Thank you. I’d forgotten that. My gp is aware of how my conditions impact my life and the pain and distress they all cause me on a daily basis. I have sent medical evidence including management plans with my review form so hopefully that will be enough. Fingers crossed xx
  • Misscleo
    Misscleo Online Community Member Posts: 645 Pioneering
    Made my morning resding a out your helpful doctor.
    There are some good eggs about
  • Sam_Alumni
    Sam_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,602 Championing
    That is so great to hear @sheZZa :)
  • sheZZa
    sheZZa Online Community Member Posts: 259 Empowering
    Misscleo said:
    Made my morning resding a out your helpful doctor.
    There are some good eggs about
    She also said that I was lacking in mental capacity when I signed the form.