Cerebral Palsy in adults

Happymac60 Community member Posts: 1 Listener
edited January 2019 in Cerebral Palsy Network
I was born, fifty eight years ago. It was a difficult birth, so I was told.
Because of this, I have minimal CP, but I have tried to be included as a non disabled person.
As a child, I tried to fit in with other peers, and became desperate for attention, so would do silly things for that attention.
As I grew, I was advised to avoid any physical rolls when looking for employment. Anything I wanted to do I was told I wouldn't manage. Things were different back then.
Anyway, I left school with no GSEs, and the only work available to me was in warehousing, later with Royal Mail, which were very physical jobs.
Because of this, I would over compensate using my good side, which now means, I have osteoarthritis.
Over the years I have also suffered, (and still do) with major depressive disorder, been on various antidepressants, had lots of talking therapy and rTMS (repetitive Transcranial magnetic stimulation), treatment. Didn't work.
Currently, I'm waiting for a functional MRI scan, because I've always said I'm wired up differently. We will see.
So, after giving you my life history, sorry about that. I was wondering if anyone else is finding things harder as they get older, and what they do to help themselves.


  • Richard_Scope
    Richard_Scope Posts: 3,638 Cerebral Palsy Network
    Good to meet you!
    I can relate to an awful lot of what you have written in your post. I have certainly had a reduction in my mobility over the years, to the point where I use a wheelchair full-time. This is usually put down to 'physiological burnout'. The energy and effort it takes us to perform what would be considered basic tasks, can lead to secondary conditions affecting knees, hips and back. We have a great discussion on Things you have found helpful in managing your CP
    I think you have done incredibly well to work at such a physical job!