drop kurb

grahamv1 Online Community Member Posts: 4 Listener
hi,i and my partner have not long moved ito a bunglow,my partner cant walk and is in a chair,the unglow has ot got a drop kurb but has a pated are on the grden that last tenant parked tere car on.clrion houseing said do not park on the pated are as o drop kurb,soo i have been parkinng outside on the street ad wheeling my wife to the door,yesterday a car doubleprked and a fire engine could not get past,so i moved my car staraight away,as i did this i got te finnger and shouts from ppl i other cars waiting to get past,(my car had been park tere for two days without moving),the other had double parked,i have been told we can have a drop kurb put in ,but need to got to coucil and get planning,then get contractor sorted then get permition fron clarion houseing,and we would pay the bill,i have also bee told that there might be help to pay,but i have no cluue on who to contact,my wife did have an ocupational therropist but as we ahve mooved we dod not know who her new one would be,any hel would be great ,,please...


  • Ghost4287
    Ghost4287 Online Community Member Posts: 14 Contributor
    I looked this up for you and this is what I found, so I hope it helps.

  • grahamv1
    grahamv1 Online Community Member Posts: 4 Listener
    thank you ghost4287,im trying to sort ocupatioal theropist out at moment,as my wief did have one before we moved we are hoping it wont be a problem.i will go back to the doctors to see if my wife can get refered back,thanks for the info,great help
  • grahamv1
    grahamv1 Online Community Member Posts: 4 Listener
    i will now be prking on the pathed area on my garden,as parking is so bad and i dont want anything  happened again like the fire engine,i dont care if housing (clarion) send anymore letters,i dont need this **** off ppl who are parking like idiots,

  • Jean_OT
    Jean_OT Online Community Member Posts: 511 Empowering

    Hi @grahamv1

    Thank you for your query.

    There are several steps to obtaining a dropped kerb.

    Assuming that the road that your dropped kerb will go onto is a normal road (not an unadopted, or private road) you will need to contact your Local Authority, it is normally the Highways Department that you will need to deal with. However, this varies in some areas, but I'm confident that the Highways Department will be able to signpost you if it isn't them.

    They should be able to tell you what the criteria and application process is in your area, again this will vary between Local Authorities.

    Normally they would first want to estiblish that it would be safe and feasible to do what you are requesting, i.e. not too close to a major junction etc 

    Next they may what to estiblish that the dropped kerb is necessary for reasons related to disability. The evidence they require will be specific to their Local Authority area. Some councils require a full OT report, others are satisfied with just seeing that someone has a Blue Badge or High Rate/Enhanced Mobility componate of DLA/PIP.

    I know that you are already trying to arrange a Community OT , which is very good as even if your Local Authority don't need her involvement with this matter she may be able to provide a supporting letter if you have to apply for charity funding, or assist in other ways.

    The Highways Department may also ask to see proof that the owner of the property is happy for work to take place to enable off-road parking.

    If permission for the dropped kerb is granted by the Local Authority they will either arrange for their own staff to do the work or (more commonly) supply a list of suggested contractors that you can make arrangements with yourself.

    Fees for dropping a kerb can vary a great deal. I have heard of Local Authorities that provide it as a free service for disabled people and I have also heard of other Local Authority areas where is costs thousands of pounds.

    If you do not have the means to cover the cost of the kerb being dropped you could try applying for charitable funding.

    On the Scope website there is a grant serch tool which may help you to identify charities which you could apply to: https://www.scope.org.uk/support/disabled-people/search-grants

    Best Wishes


  • grahamv1
    grahamv1 Online Community Member Posts: 4 Listener
    thats fantstic reply thank you...as for now i am parking on the garden,as i am not happy that a fire engine could not get passed,even if i was not at fault,i have been onto pcos and they ar going to do patrols and ticket ppl,they also telephoned my landlord and told them that,