Sheltered housing scheme for 47 year old?

dreamer72 Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener
Morning all. Just trying to find out if there is anyway I could move into a sheltered housing scheme. Most I've seen are over 60 or young learning disabilities. My marriage has just broken down and my husband was my carer. I know through I'll health and disabilities I am unable to care for myself properly and am totally idolated with no family. My dream would be a sheltered housing scheme as I know it sounds stupid but a shared lounge dining area would be heaven as I could mix wit people as well as having help in hand if I need it. This last 9 months has seen me nearly die twice through pneumonia which led to septic shock and then bronchopneumonia which led to respiratory failure. These have both terrified me as they came out the blue and even with prompt care I very nearly dudnt come through but they have left me even more poorly and limited than before. I have no money and struggle with the benefits I do get due to an iva I stupidly took out where I covered most of my now ex debts (when your in love the brain leaves the body obviously) so we are at present still sharing our rented home. I dread my future well what's left of it because the medication I'm on which is weakening my immune system sadly I have no chance of getting off this year if ever. I just want some quality of life sorry I'm rambling .
Thanks for reading this jumbled mess.


  • Sallie
    Sallie Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener
    There is help available for under 60's it could be the alarm call system to a warden or sheltered accomodation or anything between depending on availability and needs etc. Your local housing dept can advise you and provide details of different housing associations that provide help. Alternatively, contact Social Services as they no doubt have information or the CAB. Good luck, I hope you find somewhere you will be happy and cared for. 
  • Geoark
    Geoark Online Community Member Posts: 1,463 Championing

    Have you looked into supported living housing? As an umbrella term for a variety form of housing options it is difficult to give a typical idea of what will be available.  I know some of the housing associations have been relooking at how they deliver their supported housing schemes after the introduction of UC and other changes in rules to make as much of their services housing benefit eligible. 

    You will need to qualify for social housing and meet the criteria set for the supported housing scheme you are intersted in. 

    Social Services would be a good starting place, as @Sallie mentioned. You might also find it helpful to contact Shelter.