I won pip

Quinlan1 Online Community Member Posts: 33 Connected
ok I lost  me pip car in June I went thew all the hoops and swings In September was told it been before Judge but needed more from Dwp about me.Funny thing was they found all my notes which they had told me that were no longer around this was 20 years poor postman when that came threw the front door . Then Nhs decide I was unsafe to walk new powerchair specail cushion still waiting for pip
Today I got it from 1 year to 5 years I tried to kill my self in this time frame pain from illness and this hanging over me The judge said I was not going to get better I know that all ready 
I don’t want a lot in life I want to be able to live my life in the best way I can 


  • stree
    stree Online Community Member Posts: 41 Contributor
    Great news! try to relax a bit now.
  • Ami2301
    Ami2301 Online Community Member Posts: 7,877 Championing
    Hi @Quinlan1 sorry to hear about what you have been through however congratulations on winning your claim! Hope things settle down for you :)