Text from DWP

Benistmonk Online Community Member Posts: 341 Empowering
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  • Dotty123
    Dotty123 Online Community Member Posts: 491 Empowering
    Sure hope so Choi’s luck
    STANDUPOAP Posts: 60 Connected
    Yea I'm new here, hi everyone, my wife was asked to go for a PIP assessment after 10 years of being on higher disability benefit, The lady at the assessment centre was not from this country her English was straining to understand but treated her ok, asked many questions asked her to walk up the aisle. When they sent back  their report she  NO POINTS card. 10 YEARS DISSABLED her leg never got any better, bless her, now she not disabled? Can that be possible? sent in appeal and mandatory request with SSCS1 form, as you do, as we all did. SCOPE tells you where you can get The SSCS1 form.  OLD age Pensioners can download it off the internet, (yea sure they all know how to do this) That saves the DWP a few bob and SCOPE says nothing about those that have no computer nor does DWP. But not a problem for SCOPE says you can get SSCS1 form from Local Library, CITAZAN ADVICE BUREAU, CARE COMMUNTTI, YEA phone up 34 libraries none had the forms 22 CABs STILL NO FORMs tried CARE Community they never had the form either, IN the end I waited half an hour in Citizen advice b and they downloaded the document you ALL MUST HAVE. but and there's always a but nobody at the CAB was available for 5 weeks to help me fill it in? So not going to give in yet, gets me self up to this Care Community place and Bingo they got an elderly lady who knows all about how to help fill in this VITAL SSCS1 form. Sorted so go and get 4 copies of this form. Send one to DWP one to hcc Courts sent by registered mail all with in time. 28 days. Then about 6 weeks later we get a letter from the Courts saying we have to go to Court but it might be some time as they are behind. Then we get a letter from DWP 100 page letter giving all the details, all letters doctors reports assessment centres results. Even from people my wife never met, twice. ANYHOW IF YOU HAVENT FALLEN ASLEEP YET AND YOUR GETTING BORED MAKE A CUP OF TEA GOT SOMTHING TO TELL YOU MIGHT JUST MIGHT GET YOU ALL YOUR PIP BACK MIGHT HAVE GOOD CAUSE FOR WHAT HAPPENED NEXT 

    I'M reading the 100 page report and I cant find the SSCS1 form in our defence, I sent a copy to DWP and a copy to the Courts, Yet both never realized or noticed that it was missing. Now as SCOPE and The courts tell YOU YES YOU that there's no need to bring anything to the courts because the DWP WILL SEND ALL TO YOU. so the Courts trust the DWP to do this? WHAT say that again. the Courts state on the sscs1 form the DWP will do something so you don't have to? are they working together?  So I get onto our MP  no other than ALOK SHARMA DWP MAIN MAN, asks him about best way forward about this? and asked him not to do anything without my say so. BANG, BANG what does he do, He sends the Courts a letter asking why this SSCS1 form is not in the 100 page DWP defence script. What? He went behind my back and asked if this form should have been summitted in this DWP report. Got a letter from the Courts yes it should have been included. And then they went and informed the DWP. So if they left out this very important SSCS1 form of ours what did the DWP leave out of your PIP claim? The Court will be found unfit due to this Error of Law. Stating DWP will send all correspondence  about your PIP claim. So yes what will be the next move by DWP by COURTS now after this error. Should imagine they would have to pay all those that lost there PIP Claims as this Statement from the Courts on DWP behalf doesn't hold up. Haven't as yet got anything from DWP. But I expect there's people on this site that work for DWP who will come up with something to wriggle their way out of this one, wait and see. 
  • Dotty123
    Dotty123 Online Community Member Posts: 491 Empowering
    This is all out of hand and the way there treating peaple is disgusting and low even going tribunal /court there with holding our money for food rent for months were treat like **** why is no one in this country helping us on our side arnt we all dwp old but BRITISH needing respect and HELP good luck all 
  • Benistmonk
    Benistmonk Online Community Member Posts: 341 Empowering
    Yea I'm new here, hi everyone, my wife was asked to go for a PIP assessment after 10 years of being on higher disability benefit, The lady at the assessment centre was not from this country her English was straining to understand but treated her ok, asked many questions asked her to walk up the aisle. When they sent back  their report she  NO POINTS card. 10 YEARS DISSABLED her leg never got any better, bless her, now she not disabled? Can that be possible? sent in appeal and mandatory request with SSCS1 form, as you do, as we all did. SCOPE tells you where you can get The SSCS1 form.  OLD age Pensioners can download it off the internet, (yea sure they all know how to do this) That saves the DWP a few bob and SCOPE says nothing about those that have no computer nor does DWP. But not a problem for SCOPE says you can get SSCS1 form from Local Library, CITAZAN ADVICE BUREAU, CARE COMMUNTTI, YEA phone up 34 libraries none had the forms 22 CABs STILL NO FORMs tried CARE Community they never had the form either, IN the end I waited half an hour in Citizen advice b and they downloaded the document you ALL MUST HAVE. but and there's always a but nobody at the CAB was available for 5 weeks to help me fill it in? So not going to give in yet, gets me self up to this Care Community place and Bingo they got an elderly lady who knows all about how to help fill in this VITAL SSCS1 form. Sorted so go and get 4 copies of this form. Send one to DWP one to hcc Courts sent by registered mail all with in time. 28 days. Then about 6 weeks later we get a letter from the Courts saying we have to go to Court but it might be some time as they are behind. Then we get a letter from DWP 100 page letter giving all the details, all letters doctors reports assessment centres results. Even from people my wife never met, twice. ANYHOW IF YOU HAVENT FALLEN ASLEEP YET AND YOUR GETTING BORED MAKE A CUP OF TEA GOT SOMTHING TO TELL YOU MIGHT JUST MIGHT GET YOU ALL YOUR PIP BACK MIGHT HAVE GOOD CAUSE FOR WHAT HAPPENED NEXT 

    I'M reading the 100 page report and I cant find the SSCS1 form in our defence, I sent a copy to DWP and a copy to the Courts, Yet both never realized or noticed that it was missing. Now as SCOPE and The courts tell YOU YES YOU that there's no need to bring anything to the courts because the DWP WILL SEND ALL TO YOU. so the Courts trust the DWP to do this? WHAT say that again. the Courts state on the sscs1 form the DWP will do something so you don't have to? are they working together?  So I get onto our MP  no other than ALOK SHARMA DWP MAIN MAN, asks him about best way forward about this? and asked him not to do anything without my say so. BANG, BANG what does he do, He sends the Courts a letter asking why this SSCS1 form is not in the 100 page DWP defence script. What? He went behind my back and asked if this form should have been summitted in this DWP report. Got a letter from the Courts yes it should have been included. And then they went and informed the DWP. So if they left out this very important SSCS1 form of ours what did the DWP leave out of your PIP claim? The Court will be found unfit due to this Error of Law. Stating DWP will send all correspondence  about your PIP claim. So yes what will be the next move by DWP by COURTS now after this error. Should imagine they would have to pay all those that lost there PIP Claims as this Statement from the Courts on DWP behalf doesn't hold up. Haven't as yet got anything from DWP. But I expect there's people on this site that work for DWP who will come up with something to wriggle their way out of this one, wait and see. 

    I don't bother sending anything to the DWP.

    After the MR, I submit an SSCS1 by recorded delivery to tribunal. When the tribunal receives my appeal, they acknowledge it in writing. Once I have that letter, I phone the DWP to let them know I have appealed and give them the reference number from the tribunal letter so they can start paying me ESA at reduced rate. 

    The DWP is also contacted by the tribunal at the same time, then DWP then has 28 days to submit a response to my appeal. At this stage, the tribunal and I both get a copy of their response. The idea then is to pick as much fault as I can find with their response, at this point I can add further up to date information to my appeal to show there are no changes to my health since I was last assessed. This is passed on to the DWP by the tribunal.

    Then it is up to the judge to pick the bones out of that lot and with any luck should rule in your favour. 

    Some people say you should turn up at tribunal in person, I am not convinced that is a good idea if your appeal is based on mental health grounds, you could be feeling better than usual on the day of the hearing, and the tribunal will notice that.

    Any tribunal should be more than capable of making a decision based on your medical history and what you say in your submission.  
  • shell73
    shell73 Online Community Member Posts: 56 Contributor
    Hello just a question I have a appeal logged how long did it take for ESA to start repayments at assessment rate been waiting 2weeks not had no money for 6 weeks now 
  • shell73
    shell73 Online Community Member Posts: 56 Contributor
    Hello just a question I have a appeal logged how long did it take for ESA to start repayments at assessment rate been waiting 2weeks not had no money for 6 weeks now 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    shell73 said:
    Hello just a question I have a appeal logged how long did it take for ESA to start repayments at assessment rate been waiting 2weeks not had no money for 6 weeks now 
    Have you rang DWP? If not then you need to do this and give them your reference number for the Tribunal. It can actually take a few weeks for payments to start again. The only way to get this moving faster is to keep ringing them i'm afraid.
  • Dotty123
    Dotty123 Online Community Member Posts: 491 Empowering
    Can anyone get me some sscs1 forms please and send me them can’t find them anywhere il pay postage thank you 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    Dotty123 said:
    Can anyone get me some sscs1 forms please and send me them can’t find them anywhere il pay postage thank you 
    Hi Dotty, i wouldn't advise giving your personal details like address to anyone you don't know especially on an internet forum for your own safety.

    You can get these forms from a local advice centre near you like welfare rights or CAB or you can down them from the internet here. https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/748554/sscs1-eng.pdf

    Or you can simply do the who thing online, which is fairly new i believe. Here.

    Is there any reason why you want these forms? I know you're waiting for your ESA decision, have you had this yet? If you haven't then please try not to worry, i know it's easier said then done but you won't need the SSCS1 form just yet. If you were found fit for work then you need to request the Mandatory Reconsideration first before you can request a Tribunal.

  • Dotty123
    Dotty123 Online Community Member Posts: 491 Empowering
    Thank you poppy still waiting my fete I don’t mind waiting for outcome at least I am getting paid it’s Carey and some peaple have been thru hell thanks 
  • Benistmonk
    Benistmonk Online Community Member Posts: 341 Empowering
    Dotty123 said:
    Thank you poppy still waiting my fete I don’t mind waiting for outcome at least I am getting paid it’s Carey and some peaple have been thru hell thanks 

    Dotty, act now as if your claim has been stopped, then if it happens you are ready for it. It is always a good idea to keep up to date with how the latest system works anyway, just in case you have to appeal. 

    I also bought a printer, which you need if you fill the form in online. You have to print it off to post it to the tribunal by recorded delivery. That is the downside, you should be able to submit the form online like you can with Fit for Work notes. It is a lot easier to put an appeal together when you can type everything out. 

    You should also go and see your doctor, this will go on your medical record so you will be able to submit more up to date medical info if you need it.

    Fingers crossed that you will win but the way things are going under this new company Maximus that are now doing the WCA, they are worse than Atos.