Work and lwc

nuttybiker74 Community member Posts: 18 Connected
good morning 
sorry to post again ?
I’ve been working 4 hours a week but even that’s getting to much now.
im on lwc u/credit and wondered how will this affect my benefit
any help appreciated 


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 61,069 Championing

    It won't affect it at all because when claiming LCW you have a work allowance and can earn a certain amount without it affect any of your UC payments. You'll just receive less money if you don't work because you won't receive any wages.
  • nuttybiker74
    nuttybiker74 Community member Posts: 18 Connected
    Hi again poppy
    its a joint claim but my husband works.
    will we still get a standard rate?
    sorry if I sound thick
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 61,069 Championing
    You still get the standard rate. What you get each month will depend on your husbands earnings each month. Best thing to do is to use a benefits calculator and put both of your details into that.

  • nuttybiker74
    nuttybiker74 Community member Posts: 18 Connected
    Thanks again poppy