Trying to find support to attend a CICA tribunal hearing

themagpie Online Community Member Posts: 8 Connected
edited February 2019 in Everyday life
Hello Community, I am trying to find support to attend a CICA tribunal hearing in East London on Thursday. I have my partner but I am told that he may have to leave the hearing as he is the only witness to the assault. Police refused to take statements for all others who wanted to give witness statements. Police now saying they have no evidence of any assault (there were two physical and verbal assaults) and they gave key man a Caution but said they would not want to take it to court as "they might not believe you and he is a man of upstanding position in the community and you are just a woman". I have called about 7 or 8 legal and disability groups today to ask for help and each has told me of another to try a different group. Victim support said someone would get back to me in a couple of weeks, even though I have been waiting almost 2 years. We do have to be stronger than other people dont we? :)


  • themagpie
    themagpie Online Community Member Posts: 8 Connected
    ok re-found this one now - but where are the other 3 posts - all rather complicated - why aren't they in same place? Is anybody out there?
  • Antonia_Alumni
    Antonia_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 1,764 Pioneering
    Hi @themagpie

    Welcome to the community. 

    Thank you for sharing this and sorry to hear you are having issues with your posts. Do you know which category you posted in?

    I am sorry to hear about what you have been going through, this must have been really difficult for you  Hopefully some of our members will be able to advise you soon.
  • themagpie
    themagpie Online Community Member Posts: 8 Connected
    Thank you - didn't realise there were categories - a message box just appeared so I wrote the one above - then another popped up where I asked where first had gone - then another asking how to find out if anyone replied - doesn't matter - your message came through - but still wondering where the people are who run this?
  • Antonia_Alumni
    Antonia_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 1,764 Pioneering
    Hi @themagpie

    You're welcome. Oh I see, sorry about that. Happy you got my reply.

    You may find our Guide to Scope's online community useful.
  • Sam_Alumni
    Sam_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,602 Championing
    Hi @themagpie
    Im not sure where you are posting as this is the only discussion you have started.

    Starting a new discussion

    While logged in, you can start a new discussion simply by clicking the button marked ‘New discussion’ at the top-right corner of the screen. This will take you to a new page where you can choose which category to post the discussion in via a drop-down menu. Try to pick a category which closely fits the topic of your discussion, and, in the box below, give it an interesting title which indicates what the post is about.

    Type your post in the larger box below this, and if you want to add formatting such as bold or italic to it you can do so using the icons at the top of the box. Here you will also find an icon which can be used to add an image or file to the post. If you wish to add clickable links to websites mentioned in your post, you can do so by selecting the desired text to use as a link, and then clicking the icon above that looks like a chain-link. When you’re ready, click the ‘Post discussion’ button to publish it.

    Tip: To make your post easier to read, it’s a good idea to break it into smaller paragraphs by hitting the return key on your keyboard twice. Using punctuation such as full-stops will also enhance readability. If you want to see what your post will look like before you publish it, click the ‘Preview’ button.

    Let us know if you need any further help.

  • themagpie
    themagpie Online Community Member Posts: 8 Connected
    I am just looking for someone who works for Scope to help me - didn't really want a discussion. I was told that Scope would be able to help me but we are running out of time
  • Antonia_Alumni
    Antonia_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 1,764 Pioneering
    Hi @themagpie

    Thanks for letting us know. Please contact our free helpline  0808 800 3333 who may be able to help with this.
  • themagpie
    themagpie Online Community Member Posts: 8 Connected
    Thanks - this most useful x
  • Antonia_Alumni
    Antonia_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 1,764 Pioneering
    You're welcome @themagpie , all the best on Thursday. Please keep us updated or if you need further help. :)