Coming back from the brink.

Suzanned Online Community Member Posts: 4 Connected
edited February 2019 in Coffee lounge
I have not been on in a while, but I am still here. I have been struggling the last year and a bit, but I am getting through it. 
I moved to Lurgan back in 2016, to start a course in computer applications, but the course fell through the Friday before I was due to start I was told I was not even enrolled. That was the Sept, then my 16 year old son was diagnosed with cancer in the November, sadly he lost his battle with this horrible disease 5 months later. 

Then a few months later my body just shut down, I have been diagnosed with Sciatica, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, carpel tunnel syndrome, and tendentious, oh and last of all fibromyalgia. Oh and I am visually impaired, some list eh. 

As you can imagine I just felt like giving up, and for awhile I did. I am now coming back from the brink. I am getting back to work on my support pages on FB VIP'S NI, and I am volunteering for RNIB again. I am looking at training in IT support for people like me, this way I can give something back and help others who might be in that dark place I was in. 

I am starting to think positive and love my positive thinking books, so much so I have a library of them lol. 

I am going to keep going I am going to get more mobile, and start hiking and taking photographs. Basically I am not going to give up. 

I just hope that this post will help others who might be finding things difficult to keep going. Think about it this way, If I can do it so can you xoxoxox


  • Richard_Scope
    Richard_Scope Posts: 3,702 Cerebral Palsy Network
    I wish you every strength! Thanks for your post.
  • Firefly123
    Firefly123 Online Community Member Posts: 526 Empowering
    Thanks for your post sometimes we can't see the woods for the trees. Keep your positivity x
  • Sam_Alumni
    Sam_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,602 Championing
    Thanks so much for sharing @Suzanned
    What positivity books have helped you?
  • Suzanned
    Suzanned Online Community Member Posts: 4 Connected
    @Sam_Scope I have quite a lot I like the Dali Lama as his books cover everyone, The Power of Now by Eckhart Tollse is a great one. Then You have one called Pause,  by Danielle Marchant and one called Change your Words Change your World, which really makes you think about not just what you are thinking but what you are saying. I hope this helps you xox
  • Sam_Alumni
    Sam_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,602 Championing
    Ill take a look! Thanks for sharing @Suzanned :)
  • Antonia_Alumni
    Antonia_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 1,764 Pioneering
    It's great to have you back @Suzanned thank you for sharing this with us. If you would like to share photos of your hiking, you can in our KaleidoScope page 

    All the best :)

  • debbiedo49
    debbiedo49 Online Community Member Posts: 2,890 Championing
    Welcome back fellow fibrowarrior, I love eckhart too