PIP appeal, please help

jrobin08 Online Community Member Posts: 7 Listener
edited February 2019 in PIP, DLA, ADP and AA
Hi, I was hoping that someone could give me some advice re my PIP appeal. Basically I have Bi Polar Disorder, Anxiety Disorder, and Crohns Disease. My parents received DLA for me, highest for both, I was diagnosed with ADHD as a child and it's fair to say I was a bit of a nightmare. Anyway when I turned 18 I started receiving the payments myself. Fast forward and I got the letter to say I had to claim PIP. I was In a bit of a mess at the time so I kept cancelling the appointments so they disallowed my claim and the DLA stopped. I ended up recovering rather well and got off ESA and back to work for a year or so. I lost my job and stopped my medication and didn't really know how to cope so I attempted suicide multiple times and got sectioned. I got told to claim UC and PIP again and was awarded LCWRA on UC and PIP standard care. My problem is they have disallowed me on mobility because they say because I can go to the shop with social workers, I can travel unaided. I just can't get my head around it. My CPN said It was obviously a mistake so I asked for mandatory reconsideration. They said the same thing again, scored 11 points on daily living but 0 on mobility. I'm pretty sure they reversed the decision on pip mobility for mental health so I feel like I should be entitled to it. I want to get a car so I can get my friends to take me places as I really struggle with public transport, and i need to be able to get to a toilet quickly - I had my driving license revoked on medical conditions but I heard someone else can drive the car for you. I'm so frustrated and the whole.process is making me such a mess. The court is now asking for medical evidence but I am refusing to see my CPN at the moment because I keep hearing things and going a bit nuts, but he said he had already sent them lots of evidence for the original claim. The stress has set me back to depression. 


  • Antonia_Alumni
    Antonia_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 1,764 Pioneering
    Hi @jrobin08

    Thank you for sharing this with us, I'm sorry to hear about what you are going through. How are you doing today?

    I am hoping the evidence sent will be ok, unless they are asking for additional evidence. Some of our members may be able to help you with this.
  • jrobin08
    jrobin08 Online Community Member Posts: 7 Listener
    Yes the have asked for additional evidence and I'm not sure what exactly I can give. They had GP reports, letter from the CPN and my reports from inpatient admissions and CMHT. Also my parents and my friends who help me wrote letters too?
  • jrobin08
    jrobin08 Online Community Member Posts: 7 Listener
    Hi, thanks for your reply. I have received a letter from the DWP. Any advice?
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    It means that they've decided to award you the Enhanced mobility from the date stated on the letter and you need to ring the number on that letter to tell them if you accept the decision or not. If you accept it then you won't have to continue with the Tribunal and you'll be back dated the mobility to August 2018.
  • jrobin08
    jrobin08 Online Community Member Posts: 7 Listener
    Yes this was what I was hoping for. Just feel a bit upset because they have stated they already had the evidence. :-(  just feels like they are doing all this on purpose to cause people grief. I haven't sent them any new evidence. 
  • keira
    keira Online Community Member Posts: 156 Empowering
    So pleased for you, glad you got what you deserved x