Pip renewel refused!!

charcoley92 Online Community Member Posts: 11 Listener
edited February 2019 in PIP, DLA, ADP and AA
was awarded pip in 2017 went for a renewel in December to now be told I scored 0 on everything! Even though my condition in same or worsened in some areas. Going to send a reconsideration am I wasting my time?? 


  • cats693
    cats693 Online Community Member Posts: 18 Contributor
    No, nothing is a waist of time, thats what they want. Dont give up, fight til the end. Ive been told the renewal was easy, but in this instance stand you ground and fight for your rights and make it clear, that nothing has changed so why was the disission changed, take it to tribunal if necessary. 
  • Bigguy66
    Bigguy66 Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
    Hi, carry on with your fight, I have just gone through a 3ur battle with the DWP and I've ended up with 0 too despite being on morphine patches 4x the normal amount as well as other medicines too  I've now logged an official complaint to the DWP on how they have treated me  In a attempt to try get recognition for my disability  So if you are getting negative results from them please fight on and I'm sure you will get a good result soon, wishing you luck 
  • charcoley92
    charcoley92 Online Community Member Posts: 11 Listener
    I just don’t understand my anxiety was so bad at my assessment I was nearly sick. I hadn’t any thing so I called yesterday to be I scored no points but they can’t tell me anymore as it’s there policy just wait for the letter to come I haven’t been to sleep nearly all night with the worry. I’ve written my letter on the basics of my last award and stated that everything then still appeals some of it more than then. I think the whole thing is a unfair way to treat people with mental health there whole process makes your mental state worse let anyone a normal day. And what gets me angry the most is my asssesr was physiotherapist not anything to do with mental health. The whole thing is a joke! 
  • Antonia_Alumni
    Antonia_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 1,764 Pioneering
    Hi @charcoley92

    I am sorry you have found this stressful, unfortunately a lot of our members will be able to relate to you. Best wishes when you receive your letter. How are you doing today? Please keep us updated. 
  • CockneyRebel
    CockneyRebel Online Community Member Posts: 5,195 Championing
    You should ask for a copy of the assessment report asap. This will give you an idea on the areas that you need to address
  • liverpool695
    liverpool695 Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
    I was  awarded pips in 2016 and got 8 points for my only now in 2018 had to fill in form to re a ply and had letter back with all my 8 points taken of me after a medical  can you give me any advice why this can happen as my daily living needs are still the same and I have a carrer
  • charcoley92
    charcoley92 Online Community Member Posts: 11 Listener
    You should ask for a copy of the assessment report asap. This will give you an idea on the areas that you need to address
    I have already asked 
  • CockneyRebel
    CockneyRebel Online Community Member Posts: 5,195 Championing
    I was  awarded pips in 2016 and got 8 points for my only now in 2018 had to fill in form to re a ply and had letter back with all my 8 points taken of me after a medical  can you give me any advice why this can happen as my daily living needs are still the same and I have a carrer
    Hi @liverpool695 and welcome

    You have 28 days from the date of your decision letter to ask for an MR. Do you have a copy of the assessment report ?
    You need to concentrate of proving that you meet the criteria for the descriptors that appy to you and give 2-3 examples of what happen last time you attempted that activity
  • charcoley92
    charcoley92 Online Community Member Posts: 11 Listener
    I’ve done all this with my mental health nurse today she came down today and spoke to doctor and psychiatrist 
  • liverpool695
    liverpool695 Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
    Liverpool695 can I phone for the assessment to be sent to me I have had my MR letter back staying that thay will not change  the decsion
  • Yadnad
    Yadnad Posts: 2,847 Championing
    I was  awarded pips in 2016 and got 8 points for my only now in 2018 had to fill in form to re a ply and had letter back with all my 8 points taken of me after a medical  can you give me any advice why this can happen as my daily living needs are still the same and I have a carrer
    Many reasons  why it can happen. Different assessor and different decision maker can make a world of difference. Maybe the latest assessor thought that the previous award was far to lenient. Maybe the DWP also thought that the previous award was too generous. Maybe you failed to provide supporting evidence for the descriptors that you were relying on.
  • charcoley92
    charcoley92 Online Community Member Posts: 11 Listener
    So so angry just read on the report what the assor said... I attended Alone!= a lie I attended with my sons farther whom she saw in the waiting the room a who also signed in with me! I didn’t seem sweaty or anxious= a lie so offered me some water as I was hot and felt sick she offered me a tissues as I found things emotional. She told me when I advised of feeling sick I was doing very well and we were done. I remember constantly squeezing my hands because there shaking and when I had to stand to lift leg I had to hold on to the table and couldn’t do what was asked with my left leg. And i apperantly told her I do every unaided without any help! If this was the case why would I even bother to claim pip!! So angry right now! 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    I realise how upsetting it is to see all those lies in the report but when requesting the MR you really do need to concentrate on the descriptors that apply to you and your reasons why. Adding 2-3 examples of what happened the last time you attempted that activity for each descriptor that applies. DWP won't be interested in any lies.

    You can make a complaint about the report to the health assessment providers.
  • charcoley92
    charcoley92 Online Community Member Posts: 11 Listener
    I realise how upsetting it is to see all those lies in the report but when requesting the MR you really do need to concentrate on the descriptors that apply to you and your reasons why. Adding 2-3 examples of what happened the last time you attempted that activity for each descriptor that applies. DWP won't be interested in any lies.

    You can make a complaint about the report to the health assessment providers.
    I have just stuck to my activity problems and not gone on about this just made me so angry 
  • charcoley92
    charcoley92 Online Community Member Posts: 11 Listener
    ilovecats said:
    So so angry just read on the report what the assor said... I attended Alone!= a lie I attended with my sons farther whom she saw in the waiting the room a who also signed in with me! I didn’t seem sweaty or anxious= a lie so offered me some water as I was hot and felt sick she offered me a tissues as I found things emotional. She told me when I advised of feeling sick I was doing very well and we were done. I remember constantly squeezing my hands because there shaking and when I had to stand to lift leg I had to hold on to the table and couldn’t do what was asked with my left leg. And i apperantly told her I do every unaided without any help! If this was the case why would I even bother to claim pip!! So angry right now! 
    If your relative waited in the waiting room and didn't come in with you then means you did the assessment part alone, perhaps that is was the assessor is implying?
    That’s what I thought but it says when called in was alone and attended alone there are a lot of untrue things in her report I think they should all be Audio recorded 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    You did attend the assessment alone because your relative was in the waiting room.
  • Yadnad
    Yadnad Posts: 2,847 Championing
    ilovecats said:
    So so angry just read on the report what the assor said... I attended Alone!= a lie I attended with my sons farther whom she saw in the waiting the room a who also signed in with me! I didn’t seem sweaty or anxious= a lie so offered me some water as I was hot and felt sick she offered me a tissues as I found things emotional. She told me when I advised of feeling sick I was doing very well and we were done. I remember constantly squeezing my hands because there shaking and when I had to stand to lift leg I had to hold on to the table and couldn’t do what was asked with my left leg. And i apperantly told her I do every unaided without any help! If this was the case why would I even bother to claim pip!! So angry right now! 
    If your relative waited in the waiting room and didn't come in with you then means you did the assessment part alone, perhaps that is was the assessor is implying?
    That’s what I thought but it says when called in was alone and attended alone there are a lot of untrue things in her report I think they should all be Audio recorded 
    I have had happen to me 3 times. Initially at the first assessment in 2013 my wife who took me to the assessment was told that there was no reason for her to go into the assessment with me.
    Based on that for the second and third assessments she also stayed in the reception area believing that she was not wanted at the assessment despite me trying to convince her otherwise.

    All three reports said the same thing - I went in alone not requiring help or reassurance.
  • charcoley92
    charcoley92 Online Community Member Posts: 11 Listener
    You did attend the assessment alone because your relative was in the waiting room. 
    I understand that part but report says when I was called I was alone so it’s been put that I traveled alone to and from the appointment and was alone In a  fairly busy waiting room which isn’t true. 
  • charcoley92
    charcoley92 Online Community Member Posts: 11 Listener
    And on my last award I never had any one in the assessment room with but was awarded that time?!!  
  • Yadnad
    Yadnad Posts: 2,847 Championing
    edited February 2019
    I do wonder why claimants just assume that because they had an award of PIP for the past say 3 years that they expect the same for the next 3 years.
    Assessors, much like DWP decision makers are not required to follow what was recorded or decided by another assessor/decision maker some years previous. Each report/decision is a new one.
    In fact I would go further and suggest that if you saw 5 assessors in one afternoon, not all of them would report the same things - some might suggest an award, some might suggest no award. The same goes with the DWP. It is highly likely that 5 decision makers looking at the same claim could give 5 wildly opposing decisions.