SAMandCHARLEY Community member Posts: 32 Connected
Hello All, I was awarded PIP as you know a short time ago and when i was talking to someone yesterday she says she also got PIP and they stopped hers a few weeks later, and she says they can stop it any time they want whether you have just been awarded it or not, please can you tell me if this is true


  • Yadnad
    Yadnad Posts: 2,852 Championing
    edited February 2019
    Yes they can stop it at any time but they have to have a reason for doing so.
    They also can re-assess you at anytime even though they may have given an award length .

    Much like ESA and now UC, the face of benefits has changed forever in part because of the TV series 'Benefit Street' etc.

    The government are/have removed the certainty of benefit income to continue. Now it is paid on a week by week, month by month basis with the claimant having to continually prove eligibility. None of this - once on it - and forget about it attitude.
    SAMandCHARLEY Community member Posts: 32 Connected
    thanks for your reply