Here we go again

bevvy1966 Online Community Member Posts: 77 Connected
Got a appointment with c.a.b on friday for my p.I.p appeal.. the man is going to help me with it.. the only thing is my at is on friday and the dead line is Thursday.. A lady I spoke to said thr c.a.b should have a form that I sign for an extension n its section 5 just not sure what the form is called


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 63,417 Championing
    Ring DWP and request the MR, tell them that you have an appointment on Friday and will send in the letter and further evidence as soon as you've had the appointment. They will then give you a further 28 days to send in your evidence and letter. Remember, it's 28 days to request the MR not 28 days to send it.

    The worst that can happen is they go ahead with the decision before they receive your letter. The MR stage is just another delay in the appeal process because only 18% of the decisions are successful anyway and you'll most likely have to take it to Tribunal.

    Remember, you also get 13 months in total, with good reason.
  • bevvy1966
    bevvy1966 Online Community Member Posts: 77 Connected
    No, its gone to appeal already.. irs the couurt
  • yanni
    yanni Online Community Member Posts: 92 Empowering
    I think it is this SSCS1 form that she is referring to. Section 5 asks if the appeal is in time and if not you need to explain why e.g. you were waiting for an appointment with CAB for help with the appeal.
  • Yadnad
    Yadnad Posts: 2,852 Championing
    edited February 2019
    yanni said:
    I think it is this SSCS1 form that she is referring to. Section 5 asks if the appeal is in time and if not you need to explain why e.g. you were waiting for an appointment with CAB for help with the appeal.
    Wow!! That's a new one on me - excusing a late appeal. Shame that the DWP don't have a similar understanding - I was in hospital for 4 months half of which was in the HDU. The DWP refused my request on that basis citing that someone else could have done it for me. Being at death's door in hospital was no excuse for not completing and sending back the DLA claim form within 30 days.