Housing Benefit

fuzzy Community member Posts: 29 Connected
Im trying to find out about housing benefit ive been to the local council to apply they told me that because the area i live in is a universal credit area i have to apply for that i was told by someone that i would be worse off i claim esa and pip im really struggling to pay my rent any advice would be welcome


  • Benistmonk
    Benistmonk Community member Posts: 341 Empowering
    The council do not pay HB any more, except to the few claimants who are still on the old benefits, and that will come to an end once UC is finally rolled out. 

    That's a good question though, I suppose you have to go down the UC route if you need help with the rent. 
  • fuzzy
    fuzzy Community member Posts: 29 Connected
    Thank you ill have to go and see them next week