
Sankay Community member Posts: 8 Connected
Hi my name is Sandra & Im new to this sight & need a bit of advice on where to turn next. I used to receive DLA since as I have mutipal health problems. Since it changed to PIP I have been asked to fill in forms & have assessments, which have been knocked of twice now & won appeals both times. When my son(who is high functioning autistic) went to University last year I was forced onto ESA & lost the Sever Disability Payment in January 2018 & was on mimimum payment for 3months which put me into debt. The Sever Disabiliy was reinstated in June 2018 but told I could only claim 30 days back pay. 
In August 2018 I took in my teenage step daughter as she had nowhere to live & I was struggling on my own. I have been struggling for 6 months to get some financial help for her(which is another story!) Which Tax Credits have now agreed they should have been paying me but again if I want back pay I have to appeal. Now I have have been cut off ESA after a health assesment has given me zero points (after having 15+ points this time last year) eventhough my health is deteriorating(the stress of having to go over & over this is making my problems worse) plus the report is peppered with misrepresentations of what I actually said and blatant lies i.e. I have a part time job on the phone which I do when I feel well enough(thanks to my wonderful understanding employers) the report stated I work at home on the computer at home! I struggle with computers and dont even own one (infact computers or if I could use one was even mentioned at the interview) I have now been moved to JSA which to be honest I am happy to stay on as already they have been more helpful & are going to work with me & around my health problems. I have asked for MR but I don't feel I could fill in more forms or go through my problems again just to be called a liar & treated like Im some kind of fraud. My doctor has given me a sick note & prescribed my diazepam as I just cant cope anymore. The whole exsperiance has broken me. I would just like to know is there anyway I can make an offical complaint (not MR as they will just use their report again, they have already totally ignord the actual supporting evidence I have) I am now also have to justify my problems to the PIP yet again. My medical professionals & family are all supportive but being treated as a liar by these people has hit me hard but I have no energy left & dont want to have to go though having to justify myself yet again. A lot of my problems I believe stem from horrendous abuse I suffered as a child, which was allowed to go on for years as I wasn't believed. So having to fight being misrepresented now I am finding very difficult.
If anyone has managed to read this far!
I would appreciate any advice on what to do next. Thank you  


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 60,503 Championing

    Complaints about assessment reports should be made to the health assessment advisory service, rather than DWP. They most likely won't do anything about it as usually they don't.

    If you're going to request the MR then you have 28 days from the date of the decision to do this.
  • stephenjohn
    stephenjohn Community member Posts: 44 Contributor
    They(D.w.p) don’t give a toss about people all they care about is money ..the stress and strain and mental anguish it causes is not of any concern of wife has and this is triggered by stress but they still called her for an assessment,she has sudden and random blackouts with no warning but they initially said she could work as a security guard watching the t.v monitors ,yea ok 
       The health and safety aspect is that an employer has to ensure a safe working environment.....that is impossible.
          Best wishes to you in your quest xx
  • Sankay
    Sankay Community member Posts: 8 Connected
    Thank you☺ yes at my visit to the job center(the staff there were lovely & as helpful as they were allowed to be) I met so many people having the same problems how can they get away with telling blatant lies? 
    It is hard enough for people having to cope day to day with there heath problems, trying there best to adapt. To be made to feel they are inventing their problems piles on much more stress, sometimes we just need others to understand the struggles we have not being labled a fraud. I personally feel Im mostly a positive person and try to do the best with what Ive got, Im the one that cheers everyone up, my job is counciling & inspiring others which I get lovely feed back from and my friends & family tell me Im the strongest person they know. But they have managed to break me, the bullying (because that is what it is) has opened old wounds for me, waiting to see neurologist to assess if Im suffering with post tramatic stress which I blame on the constantly having to bring problems that for year I have managed to cope with. So I feel for your wife and everyone that are being put in this possition.