PIP and Council Tax reduction.

Paulines7 Community member Posts: 18 Listener
I represented my son and he won his Appeal for PIP at the Court Tribunal.  The Court awarded it on 12th December and DWT stated that they had 28 days to appeal the Court's decision.  They didn't appeal and the PIP was backdated to when my son first applied for it in May 2018.  His PIP score is high enough for him to not have to pay Council Tax.  However, the local council benefit team will only backdate this for one month.  He moved into his present flat on 28th November 2018 and I applied for Council Tax reduction for him on 8th January 2019 as the 28 days were up and the DWT were not going to appeal against the Court's decision.  Effectively, when he moved into his home on 28th November, his PIP now covered that period.  The Council are charging him almost £50 for the first 2 weeks and said I was late in applying.  How could I apply sooner, for if I had said he was in receipt of PIP, I would have been lying because we didn't know the outcome of the Tribunal as it hadn't taken place?  Does anyone know of any legislation that covers this?  In my son's case it is not a lot of money but for others awaiting their appeals for PIP, it could be a lot more.  I am taking the Council Tax benefit people to an appeal and I am also waiting to hear what the CAB says about it but meanwhile I thought I would ask on here as it cannot be a problem relating only to my son.