Weird Telephone Call from DWP

Guardian9622 Community member Posts: 37 Connected
I had a weird telephone call late yesterday afternoon from the PIP DM.
She asked WHEN had I first noticed a deterioration in my movement in relation to my claim date.
After answering her question, she said "Thank you for your time today. You will receive your back-payment and award letter within 7 days".
She wouldn't tell me what the award was, as she said she didn't have that information :open_mouth:
It is 11 weeks since my assessment, and I was a bit surprised at the phone-call  ;)


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 61,313 Championing

    I had a phone calling exactly like that when i had my PIP review 2 years ago. I rang the following day and the decision was made, my mobility was increased from standard to enhanced. Give them a ring later and ask if a decision's been made, it mostly like has by now. Good luck!
  • Guardian9622
    Guardian9622 Community member Posts: 37 Connected
    edited February 2019
    Thanks Poppy. Good result for you then :) 
    I'll try ringing them later today. There doesn't seem to be a "good" time of the day to ring, as there are obviously always queues in the system.
    Have a great day  :p
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 61,313 Championing
    edited February 2019
    No problem. I rang PIP yesterday and only waited 15 minutes :o I wanted to ask for a call back from a case manager but to my surprise they put me straight through :o This was before 9.
  • Guardian9622
    Guardian9622 Community member Posts: 37 Connected
    I'll give them a try before I go out. Thanks for your input :) 
  • Fetlock
    Fetlock Community member Posts: 79 Contributor
    It's because you need to have had a disability or condition for three months to be eligible for PIP. There must have been some uncertainty with your application as to that,  hence why they rang to clarify with you before finalising the decision.
    It sounds like good news for you though. As Poppy said, give them a call in the next day or so and the decision should be on the system by then (the system updates overnight so the decision letter can only be seen the day after the decision is entered onto it) and they'll be able to tell you what you've been awarded. .

  • Guardian9622
    Guardian9622 Community member Posts: 37 Connected
    Cheers Fetlock.
    I just hope they go with the assessors recommendations. That will give give me enhanced for both :)
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 61,313 Championing
    Cheers Fetlock.
    I just hope they go with the assessors recommendations. That will give give me enhanced for both :)
    It's very rare for them to go against the report.
  • Guardian9622
    Guardian9622 Community member Posts: 37 Connected
    I hope so Poppy or I'm no better off after 9 months of stress!
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 61,313 Championing
    Is this a review? or a first claim?
  • Guardian9622
    Guardian9622 Community member Posts: 37 Connected
    A review. First awarded late 2016.
    My mobility has got so bad in the past year (Parkinson's Decease for 10 years) I rang about a Change of Circumstances, NOT knowing it would trigger a full re-assessment :( 
    You live and learn eh? :/  
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 61,313 Championing
    Change of circumstances means you'll be backdated any money owed from the date you reported those changes.
  • Guardian9622
    Guardian9622 Community member Posts: 37 Connected
    Yes, so she said. That will be June 2018, so that'll be a nice added *bonus* to the full award (I'm trying to be positive now haha)
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 61,313 Championing
    I totally understand how difficult and extremely stressful the wait is. It's torture. Hopefully that wait will soon be over and when you ring they tell you the decision. Do let us know. Fingers crossed for you!
  • Guardian9622
    Guardian9622 Community member Posts: 37 Connected
    The PIP back-payment arrived in my account overnight, so just waiting on the official award letter now  :) 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 61,313 Championing
    Fantastic news! :)
  • Guardian9622
    Guardian9622 Community member Posts: 37 Connected
    So close now Poppy. 
    Post not been today yet, so there's still time :) 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 61,313 Championing
    Blimey and i thought my post was late :D
  • Guardian9622
    Guardian9622 Community member Posts: 37 Connected
    They know I've been pacing the lounge for weeks. I'm sure they're doing it on purpose! Haha
  • Guardian9622
    Guardian9622 Community member Posts: 37 Connected
    Results Are In:
    Enhanced rate for both components with a Light-Touch review in 2028 :)
    Thanks for all your support :)  :) 
  • CockneyRebel
    CockneyRebel Community member Posts: 5,195 Championing
    That is great news