Applying for Pip and I struggle with Severe Anxiety.

Hollyflynn22 Online Community Member Posts: 10 Listener
edited March 2019 in PIP, DLA, and AA
Hey guys, my name is Holly, i'm 20 years old and i suffer with severe anxiety.

I am currently in the process of Applying for PIP and it's super stressful. 


  • steve51
    steve51 Online Community Member Posts: 7,121 Championing
    Hi @Hollyflynn22

    Good Evening & Welcome it’s great to meet you today??

    I am one off the Community Champion’s here at Scope.

    Yes yes yes I am just going through my “pip journey” 

    Please please let me know if there’s anything that I can help you with????

  • Hollyflynn22
    Hollyflynn22 Online Community Member Posts: 10 Listener
    Hi @steve51
    so you are going through your pip process to? 

    I have phoned up PIP on Wednesday and have yet to receive the papers on how my disability affects me. 

    I’m extremely nervous and frightened and the woman on the phone made me feel like a fraud. 

    All the best 
  • steve51
    steve51 Online Community Member Posts: 7,121 Championing
    Hi @Hollyflynn22

    Yes I have got my pip pack already.

    Hopefully I am very close to the end now.

    It’s nothing to worry about believe me.

    I am very very happy in helping you with yours if that will help?

    Please please let me know if you need a hand ? with your’s

  • Ami2301
    Ami2301 Online Community Member Posts: 7,877 Championing
    Hi @Hollyflynn22 welcome to the community! You may find our tips on completing your PIP claim form useful! Let us know if we can help you further :)
  • Hollyflynn22
    Hollyflynn22 Online Community Member Posts: 10 Listener
    steve51 said:
    Hi @Hollyflynn22

    Yes I have got my pip pack already.

    Hopefully I am very close to the end now.

    It’s nothing to worry about believe me.

    I am very very happy in helping you with yours if that will help?

    Please please let me know if you need a hand ? with your’s

    Thank you @Steve51

    On Wednesday when i had my telephone conversation with the woman at the DWP, she was really moody on the phone and asked me alot of questions and also asked me the same question multiple times, kind of like she was trying to trip me up? 

    I am yet to recieve my PIP pack, but my local Citizens advice bureau has said they will help me with the forms so hopefully that shouldn't be too stressful. 

    I have severe anxiety and the simplest tasks make me feel incredible nerves. 
    I am currently also on medication for my Anxiety/   
  • steve51
    steve51 Online Community Member Posts: 7,121 Championing
    Hi @Hollyflynn22

    Yes I also had quite a long phone conversation with them before I had my package.

    Yes that is a very very good plan in getting them to help you with your’s.

    Please please let me know if there’s anything that I can help you with?????


  • adamb123
    adamb123 Online Community Member Posts: 7 Listener
    Hi @Hollyflynn22


    I have recently passed an automatic driving test.

    I was sent a B1 form to 'report' my condition to the DVLA. I sent a copy of my pass certificate as evidence alongside the form. I received my photocard license last week, does this mean that I am able to drive? I've had a look at the DVLA website, which says that if the decision takes more than 6 weeks then they will write to me. 

    I'm confused, as to whether to wait to buy a car and insure it etc or wait to hear back  from the DVLA about whether I have approval to drive. 

    Another question regarding mobility- I receive the standard element of PIP. Does anyone know if passing the driving test counts as a change in circumstance? As I was not driving when I went for the PIP interview.

    Lastly, am I able to get discount off/free tax for having Cerebral Palsy? 

    Many thanks in advance for your responses and support. 

    Best wishes and kind regards
  • Adam_Alumni
    Adam_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 162 Empowering
    edited March 2019
    Hi @Hollyflynn22

    I am delighted that you have found the advice from @steve51 and @Ami2301 helpful. Its also worth a trip to Citizens Advice if possible. 

    Best of luck with your claim and keep us informed.
  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello @Hollyflynn22 Pleased to meet you welcome.  I am one of the team of community champions on the forum.

    Thank you for sharing about your problems with anxiety. I myself have anxiety and know how hard this is. Especially with a situation you are experiencing right now.

    To give you reassurance you have had a lot of support from the community.  Plus the team .  Plenty of support from CAB which is good to hear.

    Please can I ask are you receiving any support for your anxiety.?

    I only suggest that it might help you with coping what you are going through.  You could speak to your Doctor.  Who could sign post you to some relevant support and guidance to deal with your problems and issues.

    If that helps you.

    I use mental health charities used this one last time.

    Often can help with your wellbeing and advise you on anything else. Including benefit and welfare .  Something to consider.

    Wish you the best. Please keep in touch if we can advise further on anything.

    Please take care.
