Hoops1965 Community member Posts: 5 Listener
edited March 2019 in PIP, DLA, and AA
Hi think I’m one of many who have posted about pip
i have had two kidney transplants and my blood pressure has never really been in control unfortunately I had a small heart attack last March which led me having to have a quadruple bypass 
but since July I have suffered chronic diorheaa which has left me bed ridden and playing havoc with my blood pressure
i applied for pip in September and had my assesment in October this was the most horrible experience I’ve ever endured in my home the gentleman doing the assessment had no empathy at all and he kept on telling me that he couldn’t put the diorhea down as an issue as there has been no medical reason for it I told him that I’ve had numerous blood tests stool samples done through my gp and transplant clinic also told him that I was depressed even broke down in front of him yet again as I didn’t take anything he could list it on his report
well the day arrived and the report hit my letter box I’ve never been so upset at not one mention of the blood pressure the weight loss I told him and the diorheaa
i sent an mandatory letter in November but as of today still no response 
since then I’ve been put in an extra blood pressure tablet and one of my other tablets increased
also the effects of the diorrhea has caused issnues with my transplant due to me being dehydrates
i decided to ring the dwp and ask them what is going I eventually was
put through to a case handler who said that my case had been referred and they wanted to make sure everything had been checked and there was one check to be completed and there was nothing to worry about
haa anyone had to deal with something like this


  • happy91
    happy91 Community member Posts: 101 Empowering
    I had to apply for PIP twice. The first assessment was dreadful with the most unsympathetic waste of space assessor that had no clue about my condition.

    My guess is the same has happened to you. The gov are paying outside contracted individuals that have no specalism in particular conditions to carry out assessments. It wasn't until my second assessment with a trained Occupational Therapist that I had my PIP sorted.

    Is there a local charity you can look to for help and advocacy?
    You need to get on to the doctors to find out the cause of the diorrhea. Seems this has been onoing for sometime.. why have you not received a diagnosis yet or been referred anywhere else.. your doctors seem slow..

    Keep on with your appeal, keep on at the doctors and when you next have an assessment think it's not about what you have it's about how it affects you daily. Put it on them and ask for a specalised X (whoever is specalised in the field of bottom issues). Ask your doctor for a referral if you don't know. 

    At this point (excuse the pun) I'd be considering how crappy your doctors are and getting on at them/getting another gp and getting the right referrals. Focus on your appeal and seek outside support.
  • Hoops1965
    Hoops1965 Community member Posts: 5 Listener
    Thank you yes my gp is useless but the transplant clinic has sorted out the ct scan which I had last Tuesday as they are concerned about the transplant. Just think the whole process is uslesss and i know this sounds awful but I know quite a few people who get it for bad backs and don’t get me wrong some of them suffer greatly but I know of two who go to the gym and other sports I barely have any energy suffer with fatigue and extreme headaches besides the effect of the diorrhea just feel so
  • Hoops1965
    Hoops1965 Community member Posts: 5 Listener
    Thank you for your help just feels like I’m begging for PIP