Obtaining a better scooter

MOONCAT Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
Hi my name is Mooncat, I am disabled and many health problems and various medical and health issues, I currently get the lowest rates OF PIP, My problem is that I use a disability electric scooter to get around outside because I have trouble walking around, but my scooter is running very slow and I have trouble crossing the roads lately with it, I was wandering if you could advise me as to where I could get some help and support both verbally and financially to obtain a bigger and better scooter to aid me in my independence, as I am currently staying in so not to use my current scooter.
I want to gain my independence back but as I am only getting out when the ambulance pick me up for hospital appointments and doctors appointments too and occasionally for other important appointments too. The reason being that my current scooter is running a next to no power., and for health reasons. To be honest I'm cancelling appointment due to this problem because  of my electric scooter amd the running power and nearly getting run over on several occasions, which frightens me in crossing roads, especially more so now which is making me more depressed and now more isolated,  please can you or anyone else advise me xx


  • mossycow
    mossycow Scope Member Posts: 486 Pioneering
    Oh no, yeha that sound spile your scooter is either broken or not fit for purpose. 

    If you don't mind me asking, where and how did you get the current scooter? 

    I really do understand the not being able to get out. I was lucky (if that's the right word) to finally get a diagnosis that meant I could get the higher rate of PIP mobility and that opened up the door to be getting a powered wheelchair (I can't msnage a scooter).  There are ways and ea 's so glad you've come on here as there are lots of people with experience of this.

    I think  what your financial position is, you could do with a scooter/wheelchair person from a mobility shop letting you test things out. Mine came to my home! I was on the road out back of my house trying out all sorts! 

    I wonder if you could ring a few places? It closes nothing to look... 

    But I totally agree with you  something with some power is essential, definitely for roads but also so you don't feel like.... A....... S  n  a  i l... 

    But like a powered speed demon woohooo! 

    I had to wait a long time but found a way round it. 

    Which region of the UK do you live? 
  • atlas46
    atlas46 Online Community Member Posts: 817 Pioneering

    A very warm welcome.

    I suggest two options.

    Option 1 - Get new batteries fitted.

    Option 2 - Apply for a Charitable Grant from Motability Charity, tel 0300 456 4566.

    You could also do a grant search, to see what else is available.

    Keep us informed.
  • mossycow
    mossycow Scope Member Posts: 486 Pioneering
    That's great advice. 

    Also... @Sam_Scope I can't find any online advice specifically about scooters?

    But! On this community there is lots of help. You could search 'scooter' in the search engine OR click here cos I searched and it should make it quicker for you

    Click on this


    And that will bring up other threads talking about scooters. 

    But also! Come on here lots if you are in on your own. You are not alone xx
  • exdvr
    exdvr Online Community Member Posts: 324 Empowering
    Hi @MOONCAT.....sorry to hear of your problem with your scooter but can't help but wonder if it isn't just a case of needing new batteries.  They don't last indefinitely and a new set brings about an immediate improvement [probably at a cost of around £100].    Could you let us know the make and model of your scooter? It would be a pity to scrap a good scooter for the sake of a battery upgrade especially as a decent new one will set you back a lot of money.