I cannot remember the last time I slept right

Samantha76 Community member Posts: 1 Listener
edited March 2019 in Families and carers
My Son has global development delay which makes him currently 11/2 years behind in hes education and mentally he has his issues especially at bedtime and up until last week I cannot remember the last time I slept right through and he never slept in his own bed , I have Celebral palsy so my sleep is key. this is my life 


  • Antonia_Alumni
    Antonia_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 1,764 Pioneering
    Hi @Samantha76 welcome to the community. Thank you for joining and sharing this with us. You may be interested in our Sleep Right service and our Cerebral Palsy discussions.

    Please let us know if you have any questions. :)
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 48 Contributor
    Hi @Samantha76

    @Antonia_Scope has pointed you in the right direction to the Scope sleep services and online groups and they should be able to offer support.

    I also wondered if this might help. Please see below a guide that I have shared with parents I have supported previously and received good feedback on. It's from the charity Cerebra and gives guide on sleep strategies and techniques.


    I hope this helps and best wishes :smile:
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 48 Contributor
    Also @Samantha76 Scope has recently set up a new service called Navigate. Navigate provides a six week programme of online and telephone support to parents who have a child going through diagnosis or have a child who has recently been diagnosed with a disability (within 12 months). The aim is to provide parents of a child with a disability with emotional and practical support and help them navigate these early stages. It also gives parents a chance to talk through things and how they're feeling in a safe space.

    If you think this may be something that could benefit you please visit https://www.scope.org.uk/family-services/navigate or call 0808 801 0510. :smile: