fibro and applying for pip

carebear2611 Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener
history.previously diagnosed with cfs years ago,i claimed incapacity benefit for years but on a review i was told i no longer entitled,i appealed and failed.husband and i just decided to survive on his income as i wasnt well enough to work,but wasnt well enough to battle benefits sytsem.
i have had good and bad days over the years.

current... last summer my health deteriorated loads and i was given a dual diagnosis in November 2018 of cfs and fibro by my rheumatologist.
i have been advised to apply for P.I.P
1.i havent worked for years through previous diagnosis and just making the decision toget on with it without working or claiming benefits terrified to apply
im worried that they will say how can i say im not able to work when i have chosen not to for so long.
worried that im going to be scrutinised about my condition.

guess i am looking for advice and reassurance for applying.
how best can i explain my condition to claim pip


  • wilko
    wilko Online Community Member Posts: 2,439 Championing
    @carebear2611, hello and welcome PIP is not a benefit about your disability, diagnosis or illness and medications you are taking, PIP is a benefit to help with your dail care, 
    living activities and mobility. On filling in the PIP application form you will have to state how you manage cope doing certain activities listed in each question. These are the PIP descriptors. Every claimant has a face to face acessment where the acessor goes through the PIP form and by questioning you about each of the descriptors and award you points as to your abilities are shown or proved your abilities to meet or not meet the PIP descriptors. So sent in evidence of your inability for each of the descriptors that will support the written answers you wrote in your application from.