Any advice for daughter in school with MLD?

Newbutterfly Community member Posts: 1 Listener
edited March 2019 in Education and skills
Hello everyone just signed up and wanted to say hi! ? 
I am looking to meet friends and find some advice here.
So IL jump right in and ask my first question! My youngest child was diagnosed as having MLD 7 years ago aged 7 she has struggled socially, and massively with her reading and writing skills since. I have tried, my mum tried, and I've spent thousands literally on tutors to try and help her without any real success or progress. She is 14 now and has her options at school this year her reading and writing age is still at 7 years old can anyone offer me advice on this please any suggestions anything that may be of help for her to move forward with her schooling? I know she has limited ability but there is not a lot of support from the school and I just want what's best for my daughter and for her to be happy thank you in advance.


  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Community member Posts: 6,283 Championing

    Hello @Newbutterfly.  Pleased to meet you welcome.

    Thank you for joining and sharing.

    I am one of the team of community champions who guide, advise and help new members who join the forum.

    Sorry to hear about your daughter. Please have a look a round our website.

    There will be members of our community or a member of our team be able to advise further.

    Please take care.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 48 Contributor
    Hi @Newbutterfly

    Welcome to the community!

    Have you spoken to the school Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO) about your concerns? There are levels of support the school could be putting place such as Individual Educational Plans (IEP's), referrals to specialist teams in the Local Authority (in your daughters case with a focus on literacy), and they should have access to either 1:1 or small group interventions they can put in place for her? It may be worth requesting a meeting with the school SENCO to discuss this and find out what support or reasonable adjustments they can make to put the right support in place for your daughter.

    You also have the right to apply to your Local Authority for a Education and Health Care Plan (EHCP) to be put in place, however i would suggest trying to speak to the SENCO first. Please see a link below with more information on EHCP's. 

    Also have you contacted or looked at the website for your Local Offer? This is a service that your Local Authority has a legal obligation to provide which can give you further advice and signpost you to what support is available in your area.

    I hope this helps and best wishes.

  • ScoliFibroGirl
    ScoliFibroGirl Community member Posts: 54 Contributor
    This may sound really stupid bit I have dyspraxia and found that the 121 support in the classroom environment actually hindered my own progress as I felt that it was causing a sense of learned hopelessness and actually made me more disabled as students were looking at me, the girls my age wSas looking at me as if I was thick or stupid/backward. So nothing really got done until I left the classroom and went into the library or when I got home. It was the lessons that I didn't need help in, that I excelled in confidence, but the damage was done.
    So now I have decided, that I am not going to accept any help whatsoever unless I need help from others and i will go to them. Essentially accepting help from classroom assistants is like labeling someone with something and doing it for them, they will never learn and be taken seriously in years to come as an adult..

  • LaughingLolly
    LaughingLolly Community member Posts: 100 Empowering
    There are lots of support groups you can join that can help with specific educational related information. I suggest Facebook because there are so many special needs and educational needs support groups where you can get help and into local to you