Can they close my ESA account ?



  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    Sorry but i don't understand why you need to person from CAB to sign the form? It's your ESA form so you should sign it. I've had help from CAB in the past but they have never singed any form on my behalf.

    Do you claim for mental health or not?
  • maggieomx
    maggieomx Online Community Member Posts: 131 Contributor
    Surely he needs to sign it as he filled it in that’s what it says at end of the form ? 
    “If someone signed the form on behalf of you they need to sign it ?
  • maggieomx
    maggieomx Online Community Member Posts: 131 Contributor
    Sorry I mean if they filled in the form for someone else they need to sign it ?
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    No, it's your form and the claim is yours, you need to sign it. All the years i had help with my forms not once has anyone else signed it, only me.

    I filled out my daughters PIP form and signed it because i'm her appointee. The person that filled your form in isn't your appointee.
  • maggieomx
    maggieomx Online Community Member Posts: 131 Contributor
    Thanks ppoppy saves me a trip ?
  • maggieomx
    maggieomx Online Community Member Posts: 131 Contributor
    Hiya poppy I sent my ESA work capabilities form back yesterday but as you may no my doctor hasn’t got my medical records from England yet so the evidence I sent was a couple of years old apart from a couple of reports it was all tat !
    today typically I got a report from the hospital from a visit 2weeks ago.
    i think this report would help my case.could I send it to them for them to look at ?
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    There's no harm in sending extra evidence but make sure it's a copy only and you put your name and NI number on the top. If you attend a face to face assessment also take a copy with you, just in case they didn't receive the first one.
  • maggieomx
    maggieomx Online Community Member Posts: 131 Contributor
    Do i need to send this evidence registered post ?
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    If you mean recorded delivery? then no, its pointless using that because it still have to go through the mail sorting process. If you kept a copy of the address you sent the ESA50 form to then send it to the same address.
  • maggieomx
    maggieomx Online Community Member Posts: 131 Contributor
    I I sent it next day signed for .
  • maggieomx
    maggieomx Online Community Member Posts: 131 Contributor
    Iv recieved another piece of medical evidence after my ESA50 has been sent off.
    Can i go job centre to have this piece of evidence added to my examination ??
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    You need to check where your form was returned back to. Some work capability assessment forms are sent straight to the health assessment advisory service (assessment providers) rather than to DWP. My last 2 forms weren't sent to DWP.

    If it is then sending late evidence may not be used to support your claim because DWP may not forward it onto the health assessment advisory. You could ring them to ask if they've received you form, if they have ask if you can send further evidence to them and could you have the address to send it to because all areas are different.

  • maggieomx
    maggieomx Online Community Member Posts: 131 Contributor
    Hi as you know my form has gone in for work capability assesment im waiting for a reply back to see if its a f2f exam ? 
    Iv just got a letter from jobcentreplus saying theyv looked at my claim again?
    Would this have anything to do with the work capability assessment  result ?? Meaning no f2f ?
    Or am i dreaming that i might not need a f2f ??
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    I have no idea. My advice is to ring DWP and ask if a decision's been made. The decision letter will come from DWP not your local job centre.
  • maggieomx
    maggieomx Online Community Member Posts: 131 Contributor
    So its probably not a decision from the capability worksection ?
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    I have no idea, i'm afraid. Please ring DWP to ask if a decisions been made, they are open until 6pm.  ESA decision letters are very oddly worded.
  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,742 Online Community Programme Lead
    Did you manage to get in touch with the DWP @maggieomx and find out whether it was a decision?
  • maggieomx
    maggieomx Online Community Member Posts: 131 Contributor
    Not as yet couldnt get through !!
    Im at drs today will ring later as im swopping internet n fone today so will continue to try later .
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    It can often take as long as 1 hour to get through. Good thing it's a free phone number now.
  • maggieomx
    maggieomx Online Community Member Posts: 131 Contributor
    Have just been cut off the DWP LINE was waiting 58 minutes !!
    My house fone has just come on along with internet
    From my new povider lost an hour of my life i wont get back !!