Short term memory loss

CARL58 Online Community Member Posts: 177 Contributor
Hi been along weekend CARL58 short memory is getting worse had to read the 5 page ESA letter over and over couldn't recall me telling him last week was hardest explaining you have 1mth from date of letter for a mandatory reconsideration if you don't agree with the decision I told him theres no need for that by the letter youve been awarded the full amount  plus support group it gets frustrating for me to at time's but I have to keep calm take a deep breath for his sake he wants me to become his advocate as thing's are getting very difficult for him I believe he has to be assessed for that to happen everything assessments I understand why because of fraud etc but try explaining that to CARL58 makes him even more confused than he already is I asked him again this morning about Brexit same reply had that for breakfast he was serious asked him who is our priminister Tony Blair didn't push after that seems to be living in past recalls the past very well but years are missing have requested to gp to get him a cognitive test sorted to see what's actually going on jen


  • Ami2301
    Ami2301 Online Community Member Posts: 7,877 Championing
    Sorry to hear this Jen, it's completely normal to feel frustrated but remember that you an extraordinary Friend to Carl! My mum is my appointee as I have hearing difficulties therefore cannot use a phone. There was no assessment required for her to become my appointee.

    However, when she is talking to DWP or my bank then I have to say 'I give permission for my mother to speak on my behalf'

    Hope this helps a little. Thanks for keeping us updated :)
  • CockneyRebel
    CockneyRebel Online Community Member Posts: 5,195 Championing
    Hi Jen

    I have included a link for becoming an appointee
    It is a big responsibility being placed on you if you decide to take it on. I applaud you for being such an exceptional friend to Carl, you sure are one in a million.
    From what you have said, if you do take on the responsibility then it is possibly time to be selective in what you tell Carl. I am not advocating keeping secrets but it might be easier on both of you

    I wish I could do more for the two of you but know that I will be here if you need to talk


  • CARL58
    CARL58 Online Community Member Posts: 177 Contributor
    Cockneyrebel thanks for that 10.25pm and I've just got him settled for the night been another long day time for me to unwind  tomorrow morning he has his cortisone injection not sure of spelling to tired  I've made a big decision I'm going to look after him I don't want strangers looking after him but I'm going to fight for a bungalow for him he deserves better one thing he will never mention he's a veteran did 16yrs in royal marines seen things we only hear about on the news he made it to wo2 has medals for bravery so called saffa help the hero's waste of space the help is so poor I've said enough should be down to him to say jen