
Stevew63 Community member Posts: 5 Listener
my wife has several complex disabilities cardiomyopathy , opsteoporosis, neuropathy, Parkinson’s disease and also depression and anorexia nervosa, she has been on DLA highest rate for care and mobility for many years and was given a lifetime award . She has just received a letter stating that her DLA is due to stop 13th may and she has to apply for PIP, she has carers that come in twice daily as I am retired, it used to be three times until I retired. I have already got letters from the hospice, hospital consultant, key worker and Gp supporting her claim, however my wife’s anorexia which had been stable, has now got where she has stopped eating since we got the letter, as unfortunately this is how anxiety affects this condition, also she has social anxiety and being seen face to face for an assessment is something that she absolutely will not cope with, and her Gp has included this in his letter, in the past she has not had to be seen and recently her ESA was up for renewal and she was not called in for an assessment for that. I am just wondering , does everyone get called in for assesssments? Being honest the letters that we have from all give all the information that they should require, the man on the phone from the DWP, whom I just spoke to regarding assessment, told me everybody has to have an assessment, but I am sure I have read on other forums, of people who have been awarded pip and not had an assessment 
thanks Steve


  • Ami2301
    Ami2301 Community member Posts: 7,879 Championing
    Hi @Stevew63 I am sorry to hear this. People have been awarded based on their supporting evidence however this is very rare.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 60,691 Championing

    Most people do have face to face assessments but it's certainly possible to have a paper based assessment. It really depends what evidence you send to support her claim.

    My advice is to fill out the form with as much information about how her conditions affect her as possible. Adding 2-3 examples of what happened the last time she attempted that activity for each descriptor that applies to her. Make sure you send relevant evidence to support her claim with the form. They very rarely contact anyone for this.

  • Stevew63
    Stevew63 Community member Posts: 5 Listener
    Her letters are very comprehensive and the Gp has actually stated that he wants her decision to be paper based as a face to face assessment will make her physical and mental conditions must worse, and since getting the letter regarding changing from DLA to pIP arrived, she has stopped eating, so it’s already impacting her health