
CARL58 Online Community Member Posts: 177 Contributor
@CockneyRebel hi pip all photo copied &sent registered post,the only thing I did forget is the daily diary,as I'm still using that to monitor him daily,if he has to have a face to face assessment I'll take it with us,I'm hoping there realise he's deteriorated,like my friend she had no medical evidence from specialist's, nothing from GP but was  awarded enhanced pip,she rang DWP for peace of mind,she was told there was enough evidence,about her wellbeing,her DLA was indefinitely,that was 5years ago.it sound's like they compared her claim for DLA with the recent pip review.i wasnt aware,they kept that on record so long,as she doesn't come under the blue book special circumstances,it's all very confusing and I've seen her recent letter take care jen


  • CockneyRebel
    CockneyRebel Online Community Member Posts: 5,195 Championing
    Hi Jen

    That is a good job done, the daily diary is not so important hopefully you wont need it. Now it is just a waiting game. You might consider giving them a ring in a week or so just to make sure they have it.
    Now you can get back to looking after Carl. Take care
  • CARL58
    CARL58 Online Community Member Posts: 177 Contributor
    @CockneyRebel thank you, I've had a wee chat with CARL58 about Canada,he seems up for it.theres alot new medication's we can get,that we can't get here, mum's had conference calls with specialist's she knows, they've agreed free treatment's.my father's a dentist so he'll get all that done free,as I've mentioned I wouldn't be a nice person if I left him here, thing's would be strange & strained for a while be more peaceful, he'll want for nothing,no stress worrying about money, bills,food,etc.can spend the rest of his day's as a real family, & who knows,he may even recover some sparkle back in time.mum is very good with him sits on the bed cuddling him talking about anything,he actually fall's asleep which is nice, mum's even booked an appointment,with lawyers for when she back home,so we will know exactly what's needed,to get him into Canada into our care. you take care jen
  • CARL58
    CARL58 Online Community Member Posts: 177 Contributor
    @CockneyRebel hi been a really bad night worrying mum & me only found out by chance,,if have to fight pip,he loses severely disabled & disability income guarantee from his ESA,that is so cruel and inhumane,that means him losing his home,all other essentials,careline,pads,etc I've kept that from him because everything he needs without those add ons would leave him £13,90 aweek for bills and food, because everything he has at the moment is essential,jen
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,474 Championing
    edited April 2019

    Disability income guarantee (or enhanced disability premium, as it's know) is automatically paid to those in the Support Group ESA (Income Related)

    Severe disability premium is paid if a person lives alone or is classed as living alone and no one must be claiming carers allowance for looking after you.

    If you live with Carl then this premium can be paid under certain circumstances, claiming a qualifying benefit yourself is one of them.
  • CARL58
    CARL58 Online Community Member Posts: 177 Contributor
    @poppy123456 hi no I don't live with CARL58 & don't claim carer's allowance i live 2 doors away,he has careline they ring me in an emergency,,I need space just like he does.carl58 in support group ESA income related so does that mean he keeps his premium's,cos I've read people have lost that  as they lost pip, our they scare mongering. or are they talking out of there bottom, hope your well jen
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,474 Championing
    If he wasn't awarded daily living PIP then he would lose just the severe disability premium which is £65.85 per week. The other premium  he would keep because that's automatically paid because he's in the support group.
  • CARL58
    CARL58 Online Community Member Posts: 177 Contributor
    Poppy123456 hi thanks for making that clear,not the not best news because he gets disability income guarantee as well,I wouldn't see it   happen, he'd lose his home, just wouldn't be able to get the extras he needs daily,it works out he'd have £13.90 aweek left after monthly bills for food.its outrageous,he's not stable as it is,I darent  say anything at the min, to him,he's had 2 breakdowns,if he has a 3rd I was told he may never recover,I have to have all his medication locked away, under lock and key everywhere you turn there's another problem,well I'll face it when & if it happens,but I'll fight & fight this rediculous system jen
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,474 Championing
    I'm glad he's got you.

    The disability income guarantee is the Enhanced disability premium, it's just sometimes called that because they like to confuse people. It's automatically paid to him because he's in the support group. Without the severe disability premium ESA support group is £127.55 per week. With the SDP on top it's £193.40 per week.
  • CARL58
    CARL58 Online Community Member Posts: 177 Contributor
    @poppy123456 he gets the top whack now,but it's pip on all accounts, these assessors aren't very nice,put this way he's been ill 20yrs + & he's gone down hill faster these last 12mths.basically house bound & bed ridden,Q moving around 20metred or  less he's lucky if he can do 2meteres with a walking frame &me assisting, chronic osteoarthritis both hips can't operate due to seizures uncontrolled,he's to much of a risk for theatre & they are nearly 100% sure,they won't  be able to fit a knew ball socket joint as there's no hip bone to fix it to,sorry it's long winded take care jen
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,474 Championing
    You will always hear bad stories on an internet forum. Not all assessors are bad and not everyone is refused. Lots of people claim PIP successfully without any problems at all, you just rarely hear about the good stories.

    I've claimed PIP successfully since 2013 and my daughter since 2017 and neither of us have ever had any problems. All the assessors we've had have been lovely and very understanding.
  • CARL58
    CARL58 Online Community Member Posts: 177 Contributor
    @poppy123456 thanks it's CARL58 I really worry about  he can't handle strangers cos of arronophobia if I've spelt it right, especially a certain sex, I've had to make it known on pip form,he gets verbal & shows aggression no fault of his something he can't control,plus a brain injury changed him,& there's nothing can be done for him.. except avoid certain situations,it's sad  thee affect it has jen