
debbiejl64 Online Community Member Posts: 11 Listener
hi pip  assessment in the morning absolutely dreading it does anyone have any tips or advice please x


  • April2018mom
    April2018mom Posts: 2,863 Championing

    I know what you are feeling. I dream of the day when DLA applicants are not expected to complete paperwork only to be deemed ineligible to claim the benefit. It’s a really bad system. My first piece of advice is to take a pen to the assessment and ask questions too. Good luck. If you have any other questions please feel free to message me or ask them on here. Try not to make a fool of yourself. Is this your first time applying or not? 
  • debbiejl64
    debbiejl64 Online Community Member Posts: 11 Listener
    Hi April no second time had a mobility car and bout a year ago was taken off me I lost the mobility side of it and just get the standard rate hopefully getting the mobility side back. It’s a nightmare yes I agree they need a better system too I am also taking uc to court my claim should of just gone straight over from esa support group to new style esa and uc but they think they no better than your doctor does. I can be quite traumatic to go through so sympathy to those like me. 
    Thank you for your reply x
  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing

    Hello @debbiejl64  Pleased to meet you . How did your assessment go?

    Please if I can be supportive. Happy to do so.

    I know the feelings around assessments. Afterwards.

    Sorry to hear you have lost your car. How are you coping with out one?

    I lost mine last year and now use taxis. Do a lot on line.

    Wishing for a positive outcome.

    Please if you need to ask anything. Be a pleasure to help . I am one of the team of community champions on the forum.

    Take care.


  • debbiejl64
    debbiejl64 Online Community Member Posts: 11 Listener
    Hi thank you assessment was cancelled due to the assessor ringing in sick so now there on 16 th think it is. I had to buy a car luckily got some money from mobility otherwise like you would be stuck and using taxis not great is it. 
    So mow stressing for anther 2 weeks TIL have to go now but never mind these things happen just don’t help matters though. ?
  • chiz
    chiz Online Community Member Posts: 59 Contributor
    Good morning @debbiejl64
    Sorry to hear it was cancelled, try not to worry to much ( i know its hard) i found the waiting before the assessments and waiting for the descion  far more stressful than the actual f2f x goodluck and try to make notes everyday between now and then of your everyday struggles x 
  • debbiejl64
    debbiejl64 Online Community Member Posts: 11 Listener
    Hi chiz 
    thank you x
  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing

    Hello @debbiejl64 Thank you for your post. Sorry to hear this being cancelled.

    I hope the next assessment. Goes smoothly. 

    We are here to give you reassurance.

    Happy to hear you getting around. I know taxis is not for every one.

    I use them because rarely go out. Do a lot on line shopping not much need to go out except for appointments.

    Keep in touch.

    Wish you well for a successful outcome. If I can be supportive please let me know.

    Happy to listen.

    Take care.


  • debbiejl64
    debbiejl64 Online Community Member Posts: 11 Listener
    Hi @thespiceman
    thank you for you kind words I will defo keep in touch thank you x