longwait Community member Posts: 5 Listener
edited May 2019 in PIP, DLA, and AA
My first post on here so please be easy on me. 

My name is Jon , im 59 , on PIP and ESA , through conditions ive had for a few years now . 

Id be so kind if some kind soul on here could help me with this as im really worried.  

I had my PIP letter just before Christmas and it was just last week when they text and told me ive got an appointment this coming friday. 

Well on my patient access online site ive looked at the letter they sent out to my dr to be filled in and returned, well every Q has just a strike line through it , and it is signed by another dr ive not ever seen before, and signed by him , and clearly not to whom it was sent out to, who knows all my history and when ive had my breakdowns nearly etc , yet this other dr wont know all this, only what he read off the screens.
And by looking at the letter hed done to send back has me a nervous wreck , as it looks like nothing is wrong with me. Yet since 2004 ive suffered with very bad depression and anxiety since losing all my family all close to one another , then 2 years later i found my only brother dead in his chair, amongst all this i had a marraige break up , lost my job , as i had 3 discs which had regenerated and fused together , its got worse now that every disc in my back has regenerated, i was told by a surgeon there was nothing at all that could be done as my back had gone to far and was irrepairable, he reffered me to the pain plinic where ive had my meds upped, had injections in my spine, now i  have spondolosis , and tennis elbow , all come on since the last time i saw them, and them they dropped my money .
So sorry this is so long , specially for a first post , i wish you all a good day and hope you get through it best you can. And hopefully someone will know the answer if another GP is allowed to fill your CAPITA form in , when its not addressed to them

Thank you all very much 

Kind regards



  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Community member Posts: 6,283 Championing

    Hello @longwait Pleased to meet you welcome.

    Thank you for joining and sharing.  Sorry to hear this.

    I am one of the team of community champions. We guide, advise and help new members who join the forum.

    I do understand what you are going through. I have mental health issues myself.

    Please can I suggest it might be worth getting an advocate to represent you at any appointments with your Doctor. If you are having problems.

    I use an advocate service called RETHINK..  Look on line for advice and guidance.

    Your Doctor might have been on holiday or not available.  I would make an appointment if you can and speak to either The Practise Manager explain your situation.

    Can you make an appointment with your present Doctor?.  Speak to him or her. 

    Understand the stress and anxiety. 

    I understand the need to get some help and support to give you some reassurance for your assessment.

    Please can I ask is there any one who is supporting you. Are you receiving any support with your mental health?

    I know it has been difficult, not easy time for you. We are here to be supportive.

    Please ask if we can advise or help further.

    Wishing you well for the assessment . A successful outcome.

    Please take care.


  • longwait
    longwait Community member Posts: 5 Listener
    @thespiceman thank you so much for getting back to me.  It is really appreciated.
    Its so confusing mate. I have had a text to go to an assessor this friday 10th may, which doesnt even give me time to get an appt with the drs , 2 week wait usually. 
    What has worried me the most is my dr hasnt filled my form in , it could of been you who filled it in , so what have PIP got in front of them, nothing much about me , so im so worried they will throw me off .  When like i said in my post in the last couple of years my condition has very much detiorated . Thank you for your well wishes, means a lot to me .
    You take care mate, if you do come up with anything please respond mate, im still sure that your own dr who the form is sent to has to be the one to fill it in, and sign it, not just some random dr.

    Have a great day
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 60,503 Championing

    Yes, any GP can fill out the form they are sent, if they send them which is rare. Evidence from a GP is never very reliable to be honest because they don't usually know exactly how your conditions affect you against the PIP descriptors.

    Did you send any evidence at all to support your claim? You can cancel the appointment and make another but you can only do this once so please make sure that you can attend the next one they offer before accepting.
  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,648 Online Community Programme Lead
    Just a quick message to say welcome to the community Jon @longwait! I hope Poppy has answered your query with regards to the different GP filling out the form. If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to ask. 
  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Community member Posts: 6,283 Championing

    Hello @longwait Thank you for reply.   Also kind words much appreciated.

    I do understand here if you have problems with your mental health.  I am sorry to hear this.

    I would consider looking at what additional support you can get to deal with any mental health conditions.

    The reason I asked is because it is always worth finding out.  I know services are stretched and over burden. Yet there are always answers and solutions to keeping the door open for options.

    I have had my mental health issues a long time. Knowledge, education and constant learning to adapt helps me. Through the dark days and the bad times.

    Sometimes by going to the GP.  Discussing what and how you are can be an answer. Often give you guidance and some advice.

    Being aware of your own health needs is one thing I constantly practise and strive. Stress to other gentlemen who are like myself.

    Have you ever looked at your situation?. Asked for any support, guidance and advice to help.

    I used charities. Used this one this last time.


    You can get help and support with floating support or an outreach worker.  Also advice, guidance with your mental health and wellbeing. Benefit support and advice, information plus additional signposting.

    Please if that is something to wish to look at.  Might help you.

    Please keep in touch.  Happy to be supportive.

    Please take care.
