new doctor wont gove me letter

fiesta56 Online Community Member Posts: 41 Listener
Hi wonder if any one can help my parter got sent medical assesment for esa he suffers from depression and aniety and had previous heart attak angina dur hes depression he wont attend a medical so i have phoned them he also wont speak to them if they come out  they advised me i need get letter of doctor exsplain hes doesnt go out ect but he old doctor has left im worried new doctor wont gove me letter as hes never seen my partner and they never revived my partner in 4 years even for hes tablets 


  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing

    Hello @fiesta56 Pleased to meet you welcome.

    Thank you for joining and sharing.

    Sorry to hear this.

    I am one of the team of community champions.  We guide, advise and help new members who join.

    I am unsure what to suggest.  There might be members of our community or a member of our team be able to answer.

    We have a mental health member of the team.  @MickConnon_Scope . I have tagged him in.

    He may be able to advise.  Especially the mental health.

    Hope that helps.

    Please ask if we can help with anything further.

    Please take care.


  • steve51
    steve51 Online Community Member Posts: 7,121 Championing
    Hi @fiesta56

    Welcome it’s great to meet you today.

    I am also one of the Community Champion’s here at Scope.

    I’m am very very sorry to see that u are in & right “pickle” at present.

    From previous experience of the “Benefit System”

    I have had to supply a “Doctors Letter” to confirm what “Condition Disabilities” that I have.

    Please please let me know if there’s anything else that I can help you with??


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 62,454 Championing

    Are you wanting a home assessment for your partner? If so then yes, a letter from the GP will be needed explaining why they can't attend the assessment centre. If he attends other appointments then this could go against him for a home assessment.

    As a face to face assessment is needed then he will need to attend, whether it's a home or in a centre. If he doesn't attend then he could be found fit for work for failing to attend. Paper based assessments are rare but sometimes if there's enough evidence to do a paper based assessment they will, otherwise they won't.

    Good luck.
  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,712 Online Community Programme Lead
    Hello @fiesta56 and welcome to the community. 

    All you can do is ask the new GP and see what they say. They may write the letter based on your partner's medical history/notes, but they may also want to meet him. You could request a home visit appointment from your GP for your partner and discuss it with them?
    Best of luck and please let us know how you get on. 
  • fiesta56
    fiesta56 Online Community Member Posts: 41 Listener
    My partner gets really worked up on thought doctor coming out I’m hopping they just do a letter as maken me I’ll I requested letter of doctor and still waiting told me ring back next week see if ones been done 
  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,712 Online Community Programme Lead
    I hope they get back to you quickly @fiesta56, let us know how you get on this week. :)
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 584 Listener
    A GP should be able to write your partner a letter by looking through his medical notes, I didn't have to go in for my one for ESA, my Son called the medical centre and explained what he needed, despite the receptionist being a drama queen and my Son having to talk to a nice secretary, we did get a letter from the GP for free (some charge), the assessment company then okayed me having a home assessment.
  • fiesta56
    fiesta56 Online Community Member Posts: 41 Listener
    Thank you for your help hopefully do paper Assesment phone doctors this morning receptionist gunna ask doctor look at letter request 
  • fiesta56
    fiesta56 Online Community Member Posts: 41 Listener
    It’s been a week tomorrow I requested go letter I need more evidence by 22nd may
  • fiesta56
    fiesta56 Online Community Member Posts: 41 Listener
    Thanks everyone for help
  • fiesta56
    fiesta56 Online Community Member Posts: 41 Listener
    I have phoned doctors I’m still waiting the doctor does in there own time but charges 25 pound a letter been told phone back in morning
  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,712 Online Community Programme Lead
    Hi @fiesta56, did you tell them when you need the letter by and how important it is?
    Unfortunately it has become common practice for GP surgeries to charge for letters.
  • fiesta56
    fiesta56 Online Community Member Posts: 41 Listener
    Hi yeah o told them how important letter is they just said ring back tomorow and it was on doctor taget sheet
  • fiesta56
    fiesta56 Online Community Member Posts: 41 Listener
    The assesments on wednesday and no way he attend it they had book another opitment till recieved doctor letfer as this os second apoitment does any one no if stop money straight away
  • fiesta56
    fiesta56 Online Community Member Posts: 41 Listener
    I requested letter two weeks tomorow
  • fiesta56
    fiesta56 Online Community Member Posts: 41 Listener
    Im conserd because  last resort is paper assesment hopefully they grant it as if i had go on  universal credit my partner would not go so how would work because if he didnt go i would get payed  ect as it would be joint claim
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 62,454 Championing
    All i can advise is that you ring the GP again tomorrow and then ring the health assessment providers and explain that the letter is on its way, if you get the letter of course. If the letter isn't sent and he doesn't attend the assessment his file could be returned to DWP and he'll be found fit for work for failing to attend.
  • fiesta56
    fiesta56 Online Community Member Posts: 41 Listener
    It’s so annoying as when filling in form that he would not attend medical nor would he have home visit still still send appotment out
  • fiesta56
    fiesta56 Online Community Member Posts: 41 Listener
    I’m phoned doctor at 5 tonight see if any further forward if not assesment tomorow il ring and tell them he still won’t be attend and still waiting on doctors letter it’s been two weeks now what do you think will happen no way would he sign on and it’s a joint claim I’m so stressed
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 62,454 Championing
    I would advise him to ring the health assessment providers today rather than leave it until tomorrow if that's when his assessment is. Ringing today to explain what's happening and he's waiting for a letter from his GP may help. Tell them also that attending the assessment centre is impossible for him because of his mental health.

    Does he attend other appointments like hospital or GP?

    If he is found fit for work for failing to attend the the process is long and complicated and his money will stop. You really don't want this to happen.