I am looking to work part time at home on self employed basis

Bridget14 Community member Posts: 58 Contributor
edited May 2019 in Work
I am looking to work part time at home on self employed basis does anyone currently do anything similar?
Any suggestions on companies which are reliable or any input on what not to do would be very much welcome.


  • Antonia_Alumni
    Antonia_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 1,764 Pioneering
    edited May 2019
    Hi @Bridget14 welcome to the community. How are you doing today? What are you interested in, if you don't mind me asking? We have some advice and tips about self employment, some of our members may have other suggestions too.
  • Chloe_Alumni
    Chloe_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 10,510 Championing
    Hi @Bridget14 and welcome to the community! I hope people are able to provide you with some advice, what kind of work are you looking for?
  • Bridget14
    Bridget14 Community member Posts: 58 Contributor
    Hello Antonia_Scope 
    I am fine thanks and how are you?
    I am interested part time work from home on hours to suit basis. 
    I am currently trying to start a business however this needs nurturing and I need something to do to get me back into market
  • RJHM
    RJHM Community member Posts: 15 Connected
    Hi @Bridget14 what field are you looking to work in? If you are unsure I would recommend anything digital - content marketing, digital PR etc. I know that some sales and customer service roles can also be done from home. It depends on your skill base. Hope this helps
  • Bridget14
    Bridget14 Community member Posts: 58 Contributor
    Hi RJHM thanks for taking time to reply.
    Digital work is line I am looking at. Problem is so many companies advertising and then when you click they are not what they appear. 

  • RJHM
    RJHM Community member Posts: 15 Connected
    @Bridget14 my recommendation, having had previous experience with bad companies is to check out every company on glassdoor before going any further. If it sounds too good to be true more often than not it is. 
  • Antonia_Alumni
    Antonia_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 1,764 Pioneering
    Hi @Bridget14 thank you for your reply.That's good to hear. I am okay thanks.

    Our previous Online Community Officer, @Pippa_Scope wrote an awesome blog post about finding home based work opportunities.

    I hope this helps, please let us know if you have further questions. :)
  • Bridget14
    Bridget14 Community member Posts: 58 Contributor
    Morning Antonia_Scope.
    Thank you for your link found it very helpful.
  • Bridget14
    Bridget14 Community member Posts: 58 Contributor
    Morning RJHM
    Thank you for your reply found it very helpful.
  • oliva087
    oliva087 Community member Posts: 9 Listener
    You can do freelance writing jobs to make extra money online at home. It's the quickest and easiest way to make money at home.
  • Bridget14
    Bridget14 Community member Posts: 58 Contributor
    Morning olivia087

    Thank you for your reply which very helpful.
    I have never done freelance writing before, could you please advise on how I would go about contacting companies.
    Many thanks