Increase in care contribution

Shauncity Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener
edited May 2019 in Cerebral Palsy Network

I am a carer/PA for a young man with CP. He lives in an independent living facility. Recently the LA have reviewed his contribution to care, the cost to him have increased have from £77 a week to £111 a week. I can't understand how they are allowed to increase this so much. His care needs have not changed. This has left him in the position that he has very little money left after paying basic bills and covering the fuel to get him to and from his drama group that he attends 4 times a week. Can anyone advise if he should have a minimum amount left to support himself.



  • Richard_Scope
    Richard_Scope Posts: 3,718 Cerebral Palsy Network
    Hi @Shauncity
    Thank you for your post. We have some information on Managing Your Own Care When You Become an Adult Has the LA explained why there is such a marked increase?
  • Shauncity
    Shauncity Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener
    Shaun’s care plan has not had any changes to it, they just decided to assess everyone in the local area and put their charges up primarily due to decreases in government funding. After paying this care contribution and his other regular bills, he is left with around £300 a month, £200 of which is needed for fuel as the group he attends regularly is some distance away. 
    Is there a standard amount that the local authority allow for heating, water etc. His current allowance is only £1.37 a week for water and £2.12 for heating which I think is completely unrealistic, it obviously costs considerably more for these. I am in the process of appealing the charges for him. 
    Shaun lives in a supported living facility so he does have support available to deal with financial issues. I am quite new to my role as key worker and just trying to find the best way to deal with the situation as I can’t see how he can manage financially.