worried about my situation

HRASHY Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
Hi, i’m new to posting here and was wondering if I could get some advice. 
I have been to the drs and blood tests have shown I have Hypothyroidism and an extremely high amount of thyroid antibodies. My doctor sent me to get an ultra sound but something was abnormal with it so I now have to wait to see a thyroid specialist, I can’t get a diagnosis or a treatment plan until this happens. 
On top of this I am in constant pain in my hands, toes and knees and most days I can’t even make a fist my hands are so weak. I can’t open door handles, pick things and struggle to write and type. I’m thinking I may have rheumatoid arthritis but obviously will have to wait a long time for this to be diagnosed too. 
I’m really struggling to walk up stairs or stand for more than five mins without fainting also. My blood pressure sits around 100/65 and my HR is usually around 100/110 - any ideas what this this could be?! I have always been ill since I was a child (I am 21 now) but my parents had always ignored it. 
Now, my issue is that I think I need to claim pip as I obviously can’t work full time but I don’t have any secure diagnoses and it looks like it will be a long time before I do. Does anyone have any ideas what might be wrong with me or if I will be able to claim pip? I literally can’t get myself dressed by myself or do anything. It’s really getting me down. 
Thank you so much if you’ve managed to get this far, sorry it’s so long! 


    HRASHY Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
    Thanks so much for your response (and reading my awfully long post!)
    i think I’m just feeling sorry for myself, I’ve been fighting for a diagnosis for four years ? 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,178 Championing

    I'm afraid we are not medically trained here so won't be able to give you any advice on what your symptoms could be. A diagnosis, can very often take a very long time but the only person to really speak to about this is your GP.

    As for the PIP then yes, you can certainly apply but do be aware that it's not about a diagnosis, it's how those conditions affect you. As has been advised, you'll need evidence to support your claim.

    If your condition means you're unable to work then ESA will only be possible if you've worked and paid enough NI Contributions in the previous 2 tax years. If you haven't then it will be Universal Credit and claiming this will totally depend on your circumstances because it's a means tested benefit.
  • Diane1729
    Diane1729 Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener
    Hello Hrashy.  I have suffered from hypothyroidism now for 24 years which of course means an underactive thyroid.  What you are describing to me sounds like Hashimotos.  This is when the body produces antibodies and attacks the thyroid.  You need to ask your GP to send you to an Endocronologist who specialises in these types of conditions.  Hope that you get the help that you need.

    HRASHY Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
    Hi Diane, 
    thanks so much. It does look like Hashimotos but when I went for an ultrasound they said it looks like graves so I will be seeing an Endocrinologist but its just the wait! I’ve been off work for almost three months because I can barely stand most days. 
  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,732 Online Community Programme Lead
    Hello @HRASHY,
    I hope Poppy and Ilovecats have answered your questions regarding PIP and ESA. I just wanted to pop in and welcome you to the community. Please let us know how you get on with your diagnosis and if there's any advice we can offer.