Awarded lower rate of pip for disabled son

jennicook Community member Posts: 19 Connected
received award today and the report that was with award was written by a man and the assessor was a woman, it says he can walk up to 50 metres and can peel and chop vegetables, she came to my house and my son laid on sofa whole time as was in pain. Told her he’d had one good day this year. He uses a wheelchair most of the time and has asthma,chronic regional pain syndrome, esophygus reflux, tuberculosis, micro bacterial chelonae and cyst on his going to ask for a reconsideration but am shocked at the lies on letter.


  • Gerald
    Gerald Community member Posts: 213 Empowering
    Hello jennicook you do know that all the assessors that post will be after you for putting about all the lies on your letter as all assessors walk round with a halo over there heads ;);)o:)
  • jennicook
    jennicook Community member Posts: 19 Connected
    Thing is they are lies and my sons in bits he’s only 16 and so poorly I just don’t understand why they lie when there was no man here it was a woman yet says assessor was a man

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,054 Championing

    You have 1 month from the date of the decision to request the MR. You should put this in writing stating what you disagree with and where you think he should have scored those points and the reasons why. Adding 2-3 examples of what happened the last time he attempted that activity for each descriptor that applies to him.

    You should avoid mentioning any lies that may have been told in the report, the DWP and Tribunal won't be interested in any of those. Any complaints about the report should be sent to the assessment providers.

    Only 18% of MR decisions change so expect to have to take it to Tribunal.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 584 Listener
    Sorry to hear that, I had the same happen to me, I was originally awarded enhanced pretty much based on my mental health with one thing being about my mobility, fast forward to 2019, had a review in April, got the report and my award looks like it's going to be lowered to standard and based on my physical health, bearing in mind I've had a lot of treatment to try and help myself mentally which hasn't worked, but I've never been referred for fibromyalgia I've only been diagnosed with it.. Looks like to me he ignored the evidence and decided he knew better than a gp, psychiatrist, myself, my Son and the previous assessor with a 60 minute assessment. Go figure eh.

    Good luck with the MR, I'll be getting help with mine once I have the decision.
  • jennicook
    jennicook Community member Posts: 19 Connected
    Thank you 
  • jennicook
    jennicook Community member Posts: 19 Connected
    I feel for everyone who has to go through this awful assessment,I cannot understand how doctors and specialists are ignored these people are responsible for so much pain how do they sleep at night
  • Gerald
    Gerald Community member Posts: 213 Empowering
    Hi jennicook I Think that assessors live by consuming the blood or flesh of the living to get money and that is how they sleep at night >:)>:)
  • jennicook
    jennicook Community member Posts: 19 Connected
    I’m devastated for my son who has GCSEs to sit and is so upset by the fact they seem to have sent a report about someone else because nothing on there report is about him
  • jennicook
    jennicook Community member Posts: 19 Connected
    Apparently the medical report is 30 pages long wonder how they got that much info from a 40 minute assessment with her computer not working so had to write everything down obviously mad3 it up when computer back on line a work of fiction, 
  • cristobal
    cristobal Community member Posts: 984 Championing
    jennicook said:
    Apparently the medical report is 30 pages long wonder how they got that much info from a 40 minute assessment with her computer not working so had to write everything down obviously mad3 it up when computer back on line a work of fiction, 
    @jennicook - if you're referring to the assessment report then mine was 24 pages. It seems to be a standard format, much of it with 'tick boxes' so, if your's is the same, don't expect 30 pages of actual text....
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,054 Championing
    My daughters was 28 pages. Perfectly normal for the assessment reports to be this long.
  • jennicook
    jennicook Community member Posts: 19 Connected
    It seems a lot for 40 minutes when she wasnt writing that much down but hopefully it will be here soon so I can see why she thinks my son is able to do so many things that he couldn’t do before she came or after her visit
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,054 Championing
    My daughter had a paper based assessment and it was still 28 pages. First assessment was a face to face and it was 30 pages.
  • jennicook
    jennicook Community member Posts: 19 Connected
    Got medical report it’s so full of inaccuracies, says my son was happy to see assessor on own he was lying on sofa whole time she was here trying not to be sick. Got what medication is for wrong and says he’s going to college to do maths a level 1st I’ve heard of it. Am writing to them re-MR but would like to put in a complaint about assessor as when she arrived she told me she had to look up what was actually my sons condition and then writes a story 
  • stonker01
    stonker01 Community member Posts: 51 Connected
    You have 1 month to put in an MR but that doesn't mean you have to stop there.
    The person who looks into your MR is just a case manager just like the case manager who awarded you based on the assessors report.
    It has to be looked at by a different case manager.
    It is very important to add as much information as you can with your MR 
    Go through everything you disagree with carefully and then explain why.
    If it has to be 100 pages long so be it.
    If you have already phoned them to inform them you will be doing an MR tell them to note on your records you will be sending it by writing 
    This is important as they could possibly look into it just from the phone call.
    Make sure you send in your MR recorded delivery.
    After sending your MR if you have any further information don't hesitate to contact them with it.
    You can request you speak to a manager when on the phone to the advisor it is your human right if you don't feel satisfied 
    Phone everyday if need be it's free and get it noted on computer.
    Look into the human rights act 1998 and the disability act 2010 even if you have sent your MR already
    If you feel any off these have been breached you can request you speak to a manager.
    Take there names and make a note of times and dates and a brief note of the conversation.
    Don't be put off by there strict voices there only human.
    Stand your ground do your research and don't give up.
    They don't like being taken to tribunals most MRs don't change due to all the managers know eachother FACT 
    It's like police and doctors they all stick together so one won't want to go against another's decision 
    Your MR needs to stand out and have them thinking as to how likely you are to win a tribunal. 
    Dont simply just follow protocol it will make you no different to the hundreds of thousands they receive.
    Make your proof stand out. From the rest and do not hesitate to ring up as many times as you please.
    The 1st few Times you feel like nervous but then change your tone like you would with any other business and just like any other business you have rights and rights to speak to managers. They have a duty of care and a duty to not cause unnecessary distress 
  • jennicook
    jennicook Community member Posts: 19 Connected
    Thank you for being so kind am really nervous about whole process, had to go to tribunal when he first went on disability about 8 years ago. He is now 16 so now it’s pips turn to cause stress and upset
  • stonker01
    stonker01 Community member Posts: 51 Connected
    If you want to vent about the assessor try not to use the word lies but I don't see why you should keep quiet because I didn't 
    But I did use the terms false information and completely incorrect then went on to explain how because if you don't then how are we supposed to get this sort if stuff ended??
    I personally did research on an  assessor and found they aren't actually qualified 
    A mental health nurse yes but not a psychologist 
    Your son has numerous illnesses that each carry there own issues cause different problems need medications for them which also carry numerous side effects which couldn't possibly be all assessed fully in 40 minutes in reality and is a 16 year old capable of going into such detail in that short space of time??? 
  • jennicook
    jennicook Community member Posts: 19 Connected
    She has listed his medication and what it’s for but it’s totally wrong, he has lymecycline for acne and she has said it’s for tb. If you look it up it says it’s for acne, she also said he was making eye contact and conversing with her, he had a social worker when under gosh and I phoned her yesterday and asked if she could speak on his behalf regarding him speaking to her etc, she said as he was no longer under her she could only do it with my consent if they contact her, the school also think it’s odd that she has said he’s in school full time in 5 years he’s been at school 19 months out of 60 and so far since September 68.4% attendance, I will be writing to them and sending them a copy of my vomit diary fingers crossed it gets somewhere 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,054 Championing

    For the MR you should concentrate on where you think he should have scored those points and your reasons why. Adding 2-3 examples of what happened the last time he attempted that activity for each descriptor that applies to him,

    Try to avoid mentioning any lies in the report because DWP and the Tribunal won't be interested in any of those.

    Any complaints about the report should be sent to the health assessment providers.

    May i ask why you want to send them a copy of your diary when it's your son's PIP claim?

    I would advise you to get some expert face to face advice. This link will help you find what's in your area.

  • jennicook
    jennicook Community member Posts: 19 Connected
    Thank you for advice Im going to citizens advice later.It’s  a diary where I record my sons temperatures,vomit, headaches and pain it’s not mine it’s his as I keep a record of medication, it’s for his doctors I keep the record so they know if there’s any changes.