i really wish to complain about the lies my pip assessor put on my report

Nannyfudder Online Community Member Posts: 4 Listener
edited May 2019 in PIP, DLA, ADP and AA
Hello there , 
i really wish to complain about the lies my pip assessor put on my report, 
any idea how I do this ?
many thanks in advance


  • steve51
    steve51 Online Community Member Posts: 7,121 Championing
    Hi @Nannyfudder

    Welcome to our online community/family ?

    Yes we have got some info for you below.


    Please please let me know if you need any more info??  


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,032 Championing

    Any complaints about the assessment report should be made to the health assessment providers.

    If you're unhappy with the decision on your PIP then you have 1 month from that date to request the Mandatory Reconsideration. You should put this in writing stating what you disagree with and where you think you should have scored those points. Avoid mentioning any lies because they won't be interested in any of those. Add 2-3 examples of what happened the last time you attempted that activity for each descriptor that applies to you.

    I'd advise you to concentrate on the MR first before making the complaint.
  • harry1956
    harry1956 Online Community Member Posts: 11 Listener
    The truth is that, in its determination to save the government money, the DWP will stand firm on its decision. Get the preordained formality of the Mandatory Reconsideration over with and appeal their unjustifiable decision. Let the Tribunal know how the DWP's decision is affecting you on a daily basis and how, if it is, causative of a worsening of your condition. Also ask that they look at exceptional circumstances in your case.
  • melissahicking2019
    melissahicking2019 Online Community Member Posts: 131 Contributor
    Appeal and take them to tribunal.

    Best advice i can offer.

  • zakblood
    zakblood Online Community Member Posts: 415 Empowering
    health assessment providers are first port of call, but don't be surprised to find out, they don't care either, all i got was a pdf saying what i could do next after i complained, and told to fill in a MR then wait, then Tribunal, good luck and sorry for the stress it will be causing you and well everyone in the same boat, seems no matter what you do now or in the past makes little difference overall, if like me you scored 0 points, even if 4 or 5 times before you passed with flying colors, makes no difference, on the day you had a poor health professional, who maybe didn't even have a clue about your or mine conditions, and didn't care tbh, was glad to see you come, and even happier to see you leave, then write there report, no matter what you said on the day, seems it's a same old same old story that's happen more often than not, best advice is always get it recorded, so they can't lie, but also don't be surprised either on the day of the assessment if like me, you asked for a recording, and was told they knew nothing about it, even though it's in writing on the form they have and then tell you it counts as a didn't attend if you cancel the assessment on the day because of it, or lack of as they didn't provide, like many say, you couldn't make it up how they treat so many :( good luck with the appeal
  • CockneyRebel
    CockneyRebel Online Community Member Posts: 5,195 Championing
    Currently if you wish to record a PIP assessment you need permission and you need to supply the equipment to make two identical copies on CD or cassette tape, one of which is given to the assessor
  • cristobal
    cristobal Online Community Member Posts: 984 Championing
    Just for clarification about recording - you don't need permission, but you do need to tell them in advance that you will be recording the assessment..... 
  • wilko
    wilko Online Community Member Posts: 2,438 Championing
    edited May 2019
    Everybody who aren’t awarded pip blame the assessor as not knowing enough about their medical conditions, diagnosis or disability, the whole point of pip is how you the claimant function, manage the pip descriptors safely, repeatedly and in a timely manner on a daily basis. The fact the assessor May or may not know about yours or mines illness, disability or medication ect  they know enough from yours and mine application forms and the assessment to give an assessment, opinion of our abilities to preform the pip descriptors and score these abilities accordingly and produce a report for the decision maker to give an award. If we aren’t happy and think we have been wronged then there is the MR and tribunal hearing. Yes it shouldn’t come to this there are so many variations per claim and lack of preparation by the claimants that’s where I believe errors are made.