
mikey59 Community member Posts: 22 Connected
I’m on esa and have a home visite this week for a sure il score less tan 15 points has I did the last time but won the appeal,this was almost 4 and a half years ago.what benefits will I be put on until I go to the independent tribunal appeal


  • Dotty123
    Dotty123 Community member Posts: 491 Empowering
    Until you do the mandatory appeal nothing then tribunal you get back money then reduced esatill tribunal it takes long while from stopping to mandatory then tribunal 
  • Dotty123
    Dotty123 Community member Posts: 491 Empowering
    Don’t go on universal credit or you can’t go back on esa 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 60,503 Championing

    If the worst happens and you are found fit for work then Dotty is correct if you claim UC then you won't be able to go back onto ESA.

    Are you claiming Severe disability premium in with your ESA?

    Which group are you in now?