For anybody interested in ERROR OF LAW

melissahicking2019 Online Community Member Posts: 131 Contributor
edited May 2019 in PIP, DLA, and AA
After my concern relating to the DWP's stalling strategy i found a rather interesting link that would be of benefit for anybody whom wishes to educate themselves about errors of law and the legal requirements by DWP and 1st tier tribunal panels , Points descriptors in legal terms and upper tier tribunals in general.

I am sure these would of been pointed out by other people but i would also suggest that these be pinned where relevant.

They are available in dated versions of all upper case tribunals.

March 2014 - March 2015

March 2016 - March 2017

March 2018 - March 2019

they are not limited to PIP either and include ESA , UNIVERSAL CREDIT and many more genres 

I am surprised to see that when it comes to DWP vs lower tribunal that they are very few attempts from DWP over the past 3 years , Statistically (i personally doing the math) would average DWP's attempts to be around 4% of the available sittings and few win.

I am sure these link's will be of use to alot of people.It certainly has enlightened myself a great deal as to Errors of Law and descriptor criteria and legal requirements for descriptors.

Im sure this would be of great use for anybody making either PIP applications and or appeals

Good luck.