just a quick question

christinedavies Online Community Member Posts: 27 Listener
Hi i have been awarded 0 points for pip , the whole report is based on mobility rather than mental health , someone has informed
me that they no longer deal with mental health issues just mobility is this right .


  • christinedavies
    christinedavies Online Community Member Posts: 27 Listener
    just to add the decision maker has not even included deppresion , self harm , anxiety, panic attacks or social agrophobia , it states i am able to go out on my own because i can walk , im quite aware i can walk i need someone with me for panic attacks . no specialist input , im under MIND is this not specialist input , the assessor observed me walking round the living room , i was on the settee when she came in and i was on settee when she left i never moved the whole hour she was here, states i dot take any supplements yet showed her vitamin d vials that i have been taking for past 6 months and is ongoing ...... my heads done in my anxiety is through the roof
  • wilko
    wilko Online Community Member Posts: 2,439 Championing
    @christinedavies, hello, you posted you got nothing for mobility and not mentioned your mental health situation. The assessment in home or at a center is to verify that the answers you submitted in your application form are justified and that you do or do not meet the criteria of the PIP descriptors and can be given an award benefit. The HCP is not a specialist in your or any particular disability, diagnosis or medication expert. But they have and should have a broad knowledge of how the many different disabilities, medications and prognosis of certain illnesses, conditions or diagnosis will and do effect people in relation to their abilities to preform the PIP descriptors in a safely, repeatedly and a timely manner.
  • christinedavies
    christinedavies Online Community Member Posts: 27 Listener
    i had assesment at home because i cant leave the house due to overwhelming anxiety stress and panic attacks , she was told all of this , she was also told that im having upt to 5-6 panic attacks a day which leave me physically and mentally drained , im not in a position to cook or basically look after myself , my husband takes care of all my medication due to previous suicide attempts and she was also informed i self harm , the report just states i have no physical condition that stops me from doing any of the descriptors
  • christinedavies
    christinedavies Online Community Member Posts: 27 Listener
    and for mobility im able to walk so do not qualify

  • cristobal
    cristobal Online Community Member Posts: 984 Championing
    edited May 2019
    @christinedavies - I don't know a lot about MH conditions. However, if you look at the DWP guidelines, some of their examples relate to MH e.g if you need prompting to do something. Also their mobility example mentions agoraphobia so that is definitely included.

    I'm assuming that when you filled out your application you gave examples of how you couldn't carry out various tasks due to your conditions. Were these completely overlooked?

    Search for DWP PIP Assessment guidelines and you'll be able to see for yourself....

    Good luck

  • christinedavies
    christinedavies Online Community Member Posts: 27 Listener
    yes i had the form filled out by age concern , she wrote in the form everything i had told her . yes they were completely overlooked and mental health condition not mentioned at all its all gone on physical , im not sure what to do , i am under mind sent letter from them and they stated i dont receive any specialist input although i am about to begin cbt , theres no mention in report about my mental health just all about i was observed walking around when i didnt move off settee  , how i was calm and composed i had a mental break down my husband answered all questions bar one and she said i completed assesment on my own with no help or prompting ,mind you when the assesor shouts calm down when im having a melt down then tells me to paint a nail each day for motivation theres no hope xx

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 62,458 Championing

    All you can do is request the Mandatory Reconsideration within 1 month of the date of the decision. You need to put this in writing stating where you think you should have scored those points and your reasons why. Adding 2-3 examples of what happened the last time you attempted that activity for each descriptor that applies to you.

    Most MR decisions remain the same so you'll most likely have to take it to Tribunal.

    I'd also recommend face to face advice from an agency near you.
  • twonker
    twonker Posts: 617 Empowering
    wilko said:
    But they have and should have a broad knowledge of how the many different disabilities, medications and prognosis of certain illnesses, conditions or diagnosis will and do effect people in relation to their abilities to preform the PIP descriptors in a safely, repeatedly and a timely manner.
    Yes they should in theory. Assessing someone who has been clinically diagnosed with a Mental Health condition and does have limitations and impact could well appear totally normal to the untrained eye. Maybe the assessors need to have more insight into mental health as generally what they see is a façade and not the real person. 
    I defy anybody to say that I do not appear totally normal.

    Dig a bit deeper, and they will find something different.

  • christinedavies
    christinedavies Online Community Member Posts: 27 Listener
    I am apalled by the award notice i received not mentioning any of my mental health issues , i have suffered from severe anxiety depression panic attacks and agrophobia for over 20 years . The report goes on about physical issues rather than mental issues , to state i dont have any specialist input for my mental health is ridiculous , i am under minds for for my
    condition and awating cbt , does this not cover specialist input , the assessor stated i was observed to walk round living room i didnt move off settee for the whole hour , she aid i conducted the whole interview on my own she sat there and directed every question at my husband who answered her she asked me one thing , she stated she could see i was low mood , teary , low motivation the report states no sign of any of what i have just mentioned , i score no points for mobility because i can walk , walking is not the issue its the panic attacks im having every day 4-5 . Im totally devastated by this
    report and awaiting report to come middle of week .
  • KEE
    KEE Online Community Member Posts: 92 Empowering
    @christinedavies, hi I am all new to this process and have recently received an award of PIP for both daily living and mobility. I will be requesting a MAndantory Reconsideration on some things I got 0 points for which I felt was wrong. Namely 1 of those things is mental health and although being diagnosed as having severe anxiety and severe depression and taking 150mg Sertraline, had CBT but being referred back after a pause as didn’t think it was helping me, and the panic attacks I had to get me out the door to get me to the appointment in the first place set me back. 

    Well on this point I was told in the dwp decision that I am not classed as having anxiety due to not taking ‘specific anxiety medication ‘ yet Sertraline is an SSRI and is given for both depression and anxiety in social phobia, ptsd etc which is due to be reviewed as we haven’t found a medication that is of some help for me yet.

    So Dwp have overruled what a mental health expert has diagnosed me of having, which is severe anxiety & depression based on my medication.

    Looking at statistics and some stories and advice on here, it seems that MR are requested but usually get turned down, then you take the Tribunal appeal route which is lengthy waiting time but although not guaranteed, usually the decision is a more positive one as a panel can look at your appeal and listen to you at an oral hearing.

    don’t lose heart there are a lot of mental health sufferers who are being put through these hoops but hang on in there and get help with your Mandatory reconsideration. 
  • christinedavies
    christinedavies Online Community Member Posts: 27 Listener
    Thanks for reply its reassuring to hear other comments . I am on Diazepam and escitalopram which i have been on for many years . I will be getting help from my local MP for Mandatory reconsideration . I have another appointment at mind next week as well .
  • KEE
    KEE Online Community Member Posts: 92 Empowering
    @christinedavies Your welcome & Good luck, keep us updated.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 62,458 Championing
    A local MP's knowledge of the benefit system will most likely be very limited. I'd advise you to get some face to face advice from an advice centre near you. This link will help you find what's available in your area. https://advicelocal.uk/

  • christinedavies
    christinedavies Online Community Member Posts: 27 Listener
    thanks poppy