Working full time as a volunteer and claiming PIP



  • twonker
    twonker Posts: 617 Empowering
    edited May 2019
    Seems they are damned if they do and damned if they don't
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 61,915 Championing
    @twonker are you yet another name changer? posting as gruber? i seen your previous reply but you seemed to have edited what you first typed. :o
  • cristobal
    cristobal Community member Posts: 984 Championing
    I'm confused was bad enough when @yadnad started posting as there another alias??

    @gruber - good luck...whatever you decide to do..

  • sheZZa
    sheZZa Community member Posts: 259 Empowering
    I agree with @poppy123456
    i was asked if I did any voluntary work at my assessment a few weeks ago. When I said ’no’ I was then asked what hobbies I had.