Latest update on carl58

CARL58 Online Community Member Posts: 177 Contributor
Hi all not much I say , only on top of all his medication they've added QUERTIAPINE, started at 100mg once aday & will increase as nessacery,I'm ok just concerned what there using it for as their not telling me alot at moment.but I will Google it so I have a better idea, he's not eating doesn't trust there food, but I'm allowed to take food in when I visit & he'll eat the lot with abit of coaxing from me, take care all jen


  • Chloe_Alumni
    Chloe_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 10,506 Championing
    Hi @CARL58 Jen, thank you for updating us. I'm sorry they aren't telling you much, this must be very stressful for yourself. I hope the medication is helpful for him, even if you aren't too sure what it is, I'm sure it's in his best interest if it has been prescribed. It's great that you are able to still take him food and I hope Carl gains trust with them soon :)