Our new guide to reporting on disability employment

Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,644 Online Community Programme Lead
edited June 2019 in Everyday life

We're desperate to help employers create a more inclusive workplace culture, and encourage disabled people to talk about disability at work. We also know that what gets measured gets done, so that's why today Scope's publishing its BRAND NEW Employers Guide to reporting on disability employment. It gives advice on how to collect & report on key things like experiences & progression of disabled employees and you can read all about it and download a copy here. It's aimed at employers that have 250 employees or more. But, smaller organisations may still find it useful.

Also, our policy and campaigns manager, Jessica has taken over the Scope Twitter account and will be answering your questions about the report, as well as hearing your experiences as disabled workers. So please pop over and have a chat with her if you have something you'd like to share.


  • Ails
    Ails Community member Posts: 2,240 Championing
    Hi @Adrian_Scope,
    Many thanks for letting us know about the brand new Employers Guide.  It looks like interesting reading and can only be a good thing in helping to create a more inclusive workplace for disabled employees.  :smiley:
  • April2018mom
    April2018mom Posts: 2,865 Championing
    Many thanks for this opportunity for inclusion in the workplace. This is a great resource for employers.