PIP stress

crazyjan Community member Posts: 56 Empowering
How do others cope with this? I have anxiety, depression, DID, auditory hallucinations, history of anorexia, self harming and overdoses. Also hearing impaired and disabled right arm. Gone from enhanced Pip to zero points. I can't even dress myself!!!  It did not seem like the decision letter was about me. Now I can't sleep, can't eat, I'm hearing voices again and have cut my arm. Seeing my psychiatrist end of this month. Anyone else got worse because of assessors reports? How do you manage? Legally, has the assessor caused personal injury by false reporting? Sorry for moaning. Can't stop crying and stressing. If you comment on my post please will you be very gentle? Sorry.


  • EmmaB
    EmmaB Community member Posts: 263 Empowering
    Dear @crazyjan

    There's no doubt that the PIP process is stressful so your response is completely normal, one way people cope is by seeking out support eg from a support worker, from the CAB. 

    The letter the psychiatrist writes to your GP after your appointment could be very valuable evidence in terms of your mandatory reconsideration and if it comes to it your tribunal so be sure to send this in if it backs your claim.  The more evidence you can provide the better eg psychiatrist letters, GP letters, letter from your support worker if you have one - saying how often they see you and what they help you with etc.

    You might also find the following organisations helpful:


    https://www.pods-online.org.uk/  [the person who runs this organisation had DID herself]

    If you have a trauma background and you haven't tried it already you might also benefit from specialist therapy eg EMDR which your GP should be able to refer you for, there's likely to be a wait so the sooner you get yourself on the waiting list the better.

    I hope that helps.

  • crazyjan
    crazyjan Community member Posts: 56 Empowering
    Thank you for such a useful response. I used to be a member of the hearing voices network, so will look at that website. I hadn't thought of that. Will also check the other one out. I've only ever spoken to one other person with DID. I didn't even go into this on my pip forms as it would have complicated things. I did not dissociate during my assessment but there is a high risk I would at a stressful tribunal.  I would be Jan instead of Janet. It's all a nightmare. Thanks for listening and replying. 
  • EmmaB
    EmmaB Community member Posts: 263 Empowering
    Hi @crazyjan
    It's quite common for people with more complex mental health issues eg DID, hearing voices etc to end up at tribunal because they require perhaps a more specialist understanding than you might get at the assessment stage. 
    It would be important by the sound of it for you to go with someone if you do get to tribunal stage so it might be a good idea to start to think about who would accompany you eg support worker if you have one, ask at your local CAB if they do this, a family member, someone from local mental health charity?  This may take time to set up [if not a family member] so it would be an idea to get this ball rolling just in case.
    If you do have DID then PODS is definitely worth checking out; if you do win your claim you could consider using the money to fund private specialist counselling - PODS have a list of counsellors who have had training in this condition, as I said above your GP can also refer you for specialist counselling or you could ask your psychiatrist about it [depends how medical model they are... ie they might say oh that won't help you, but it does help people with DID as you'll see from the PODS website].
    Good luck.

  • crazyjan
    crazyjan Community member Posts: 56 Empowering
    Thanks Emma. 
  • crazyjan
    crazyjan Community member Posts: 56 Empowering
    PODS website was very useful. Have seen a new psychiatrist (just moved house) who has confirmed my diagnosis as Dissociative Personality. Thankfully I am still in touch with the psychiatrist who did my psychotherapy thirty years ago and initially diagnosed MPD. I'm so lucky that she has offered to come with me to any tribunal as I will be at high risk of dissociating and goodness knows who the Judge will be speaking to. I am absolutely terrified but it has helped so much to come on this site and know I'm not the only one. If I didn't need the money I'd give up. It's too hard. I'm in the process of having my meds adjusted so hopefully my head will calm down a little. I hate PIP!! Maybe they hope I'll top myself so that they won't have to pay me anything?  
  • EmmaB
    EmmaB Community member Posts: 263 Empowering
    Hi @crazyjan
    I'm pleased the PODS website was helpful and it's helpful, in terms of PIP, that you've got a confirmed diagnosis; if your psychiatrist writes a letter following your appointment be sure to send that in before your tribunal [or if you forget - take it with you].  It's also great news that your previous psychiatrist will support you if needs be.
    You are definitely not the only one and it's not uncommon to find the PIP process stressful, I hope with the support you have you can see the process through to a just conclusion, and that if you are eligible for an award that that enables you to get some further [specialist] support to help you on the road to recovery and perhaps, your new psychiatrist was able to suggest a way forward for you too [which was more than just prescribing meds...].
    Best wishes.